107. Here is where I am on my dry eye journey Please mark which one of these “places” seems closest to where you are now. This information will help us study many exciting things like which factors contribute to the hardest places on roller coaster, and this in turn can point the way forward to solutions.
Answer Count Percent
20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Worsening: I have significant symptoms, I can't seem to get them under control. It's really interfering with life, and I'm not getting the help I need. 56 11.69%
Free fall: My symptoms are out of control. Emotionally, I'm in a hard place. I'm struggling to maintain any hope that this can get better. 33 6.89%
Stuck in the trough: I am treading water at best. I've educated myself and I feel like I've tried everything, but nothing helps and I don't know what to do. 82 17.12%
Coping: My eyes may not be a lot better, but I'm in a slightly better place mentally. I'm starting to feel that I have options. 93 19.42%
Stabilizing: I feel like I'm getting my symptoms under control. I am able to problem solve and advocate for myself. 49 10.23%
Maintaining: I have a set of routines that keep my symptoms under adequate control for now. I am confident that I have the tools and strategies that I need. 95 19.83%
"Better:" My symptoms are actually considerably better than they were before I tanked. I have accepted a new normal. 41 8.56%
I won the dry eye lottery: Remission or cure. I am completely symptom free. 3 0.63%
None of these feels like an accurate description for my situation. 27 5.64%
Total 479 100 %
107. Here is where I am on my dry eye journeyPlease mark which one of these “places” seems closest to where you are now. This information will help us study many exciting things like which factors contribute to the hardest places on roller coaster, and this in turn can point the way forward to solutions. - Dynamic Text / Comments
02/19/2021 101524188 [None of these feels like an accurate description for my situation.]
Dry eye is not the primary condition here. It is my lack of limbal stem cells. Having many transplants I am running out of options and may have to try more serious operations like the Boston K-pro or other artificial corneas - all of which depend on tear production for success. The future right now is a waiting game trying to keep the surviving conea in as good health as possible until better options are developed through medical research.
02/19/2021 101510461 [None of these feels like an accurate description for my situation.]
My symptoms had been under control for quite a long time and just recently started to flare up.
02/04/2021 99892578 [None of these feels like an accurate description for my situation.]
I'm coping and can problem-solve and advocate for myself, but don't know that there really are that many other options available. As mentioned earlier, I do worry some about how the aging process will effect my ability to continue all of the maintenance required and what that might eventually mean for my vision.
01/15/2021 96245652 [None of these feels like an accurate description for my situation.]
Dry eye caused by keratoconus
09/22/2020 81942924 [None of these feels like an accurate description for my situation.]
I have just started having issues with dry eye, haven't been diagnosed yet, have not started many of the treatments mentioned so not really sure where this is going.
09/20/2020 81677995 [None of these feels like an accurate description for my situation.]
I'm beginning to educate myself with more information, but at the moment, dry eyes are a major part of my day. Although it appears I'm in much better shape than many others.
07/07/2020 73126589 [None of these feels like an accurate description for my situation.]
my treatment has started recently
07/07/2020 73093494 [None of these feels like an accurate description for my situation.]
I haven't been diagnosed with dry eye, yet, but I feel i have enough symptoms that I do have it. My optometrist hasn't specifically called it dry eye.
02/28/2020 [None of these feels like an accurate description for my situation.]
My primary concern is whether there are alternative treatments for failed DCR - tear duct blocked w/ scar tissue other than the Jnes tube, which has problems and can fall out. Are there any non-surgical treatments that will reduce the excessive watering?
11/25/2019 [None of these feels like an accurate description for my situation.]
Not happy; my eyes are a constant problem, but (until I was diagnosed with BRVO last month!) I'd established a maintenance routine that was keeping trouble at a bearable, non-worsening level.