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SportDOG Conservation Fund®
2014 Grant Application

1. Please complete all applicable questions.

2. Questions regarding this application may be directed to [email protected]

3. Please save a copy for your records by completing the Review/Print option at the
end of the application process.

4. Please complete and submit application no later than August 31, 2013

Project Proposal ID:
(Please leave blank. This information will be completed by the Review Committee)
SportDOG Brand Conservation Fund grant amount requested. (Please write in $25,000).
* 1. Applicants full name:
* 2. Applicants title:
* 3. Application date (mm/dd/yyyy):
* 4. Applicants mailing address: (street, city, state, zip code)
* 5. Applicants email address:
* 6. Applicants telephone number:

7. Please select the primary animal group your project will benefit:
Waterfowl (ducks, geese, etc)
Upland Birds (quail, grouse, pheasant, etc.)
Small Game (squirrel, rabbit, raccoon, etc.)
Big Game (bear, boar, turkey, etc.)
Other (non-game. etc)
* 8. Please provide the primary target species your project will benefit:
9. State, Federal, or local government agency project representative if applicable:
(please include name, title, address, phone number, and email)
10. Host conservation organization and contact:
(please include names, title, full address, phone number, and email)
* 11. Project Title:
* 12. Project Summary: (how will this project benefit wildlife and/or habitat?)
* 13. Project Location: (Identify the project city, county, state, land ownership, and geographic coordinates)
* 14. Problem Description: (what conservation need does the project address?)
* 15. Project Objectives (number and list the objectives your project will accomplish)
16. Project Partners:
(number and list the project partners and their respective funding or in-kind contribution value to the
project if applicable)
17. Proposed Budget Expeditures:
(For each box please list a budget line item and associated expense amount. ex. Materials - $1,000)
18. Proposed Budget Funding:
(For each box please list additonal funding sources and amount
ex. Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency - $1,000)

19. Upload additional supporting project information you would like to submit with your application:
(MS WORD.doc format):
Please insert a Page Break before this question.

Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this application.
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