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This page is to nominate yourself or someone else for induction into the Bluegrass Business Analysis Hall of Fame.  The Bluegrass Business Analysis Hall of Fame exists to recognize those individuals that have given significant contribution to the business analysis profession within the Bluegrass Region of Central Kentucky.

Nominee Information
* First Name : 
* Last Name : 
Company : 
Address  : 
City : 
State : 
Zip : 
Phone : 
Email Address : 
Submitter Information
* First Name : 
* Last Name : 
* Company : 
   Address : 
* City : 
* State : 
* Zip : 
* Phone : 
* Email Address : 
* Primary Category of Nomination (check one)?
Service to Bluegrass IIBA Chapter
Advancing the Profession in the Bluegrass
Service to an Organization in the Bluegrass
* Nomination: (Summarize the person's accomplishments. Include specific details, i.e. brief history of career. List any factors about this individual that you would like for the Hall of Fame committee to consider. If possible, provide dates, years, etc. If more space is needed for letters of recommendation, press clippings and other pertinent information, which may be helpful to the committee in making the final selection; send documentation to [email protected].
Please send additional information and documentation concerning your nomination to the Hall of Fame selection committee at [email protected].
* CERTIFICATION: By typing my name in the box below, I certify that I believe that the named nominee is truly deserving of this award, and I certify that I have truthfully completed the information about the nominee to the best of my knowledge. I will cooperate with the Hall of Fame Selection Committee should additional information be needed to support this nomination.