Questions marked with a * are required Exit Survey
* Is social media important in emergency management?
Would you sign up for alerts for any of the following emergency situations?

(Please click the stars to rank in order of preference: 1 = Low Preference, 5  = High Preference.)
* Preparedness Information
* Location of Food/Water
* Location of Medical Services
* Where to Get Gas
* Evacuation Routes
* Road Closures
* Shelter Locations
* Emergency Instructions
* How would you prefer to receive emergency preparedness information on social media? (Choose all that apply.)
Short Messaging
Short Videos
* In an emergency, how likely would you be to use social media to let friends and family know you are safe?
Extremely Likely Somewhat Likely Not At All Likely
* If you or someone else needed urgent help in an emergency, would you try to request help in any of the following ways?
Ask other people to help you reach a response agency through social media?
Post your request for help on a response agency’s social media page.
Send a direct message via social media to a response agency?
* Should emergency response organizations continuously monitor social media in order to respond quickly to a crisis? 
Emergency response organizations would be more effective in communicating through social media if they: