
2023 N4 Stakeholder Survey

Thank you for your interest in N4’s second biennial survey on the state of newcomer equity in health and social services.

N4 is committed to understanding the strengths, needs and challenges of newcomer-serving sectors across Canada. Approximately 23% of Canada’s population is foreign-born, and that percentage is set to increase in the coming years. We can expect that the needs of newcomers will continue to rise. These valued newcomers contribute to the economy and culture of Canada, but their integration is often disrupted by the barriers they encounter accessing and experiencing health and social services. What N4 learns through this survey will guide our future focus, activities, and growth. Our ultimate goal is to support newcomer-serving professionals as they work with newcomers.

If you are a professional who works with newcomers, a newcomer yourself, or both, we welcome your response to this survey. For the purpose of this survey, a newcomer is a foreign-born individual who has been living in Canada for fewer than five years.

There are no foreseeable risks to taking this survey, and your responses will be kept confidential. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Christine Kouri, Director, at ckouri@cheo.on.ca
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