Exit Survey
Dear Senior Design Students,
I cannot adequately express my admiration for you and your accomplishments. You did it! Sorry to bother you yet again but we are in the process of trying to improve our senior design process. Our goal as always is to have the best EE and ME programs not only in the state but also in the region. Please assist us by completing the following survey. It is totally anonymous and grades are already submitted. You know how much we value your input. This survey should not take more than a few minutes. Thank you for assisting us improve our programs.
Dr. Buford
Please select one.
Electrical Engineering Student
Mechanical Engineering Student
These questions concern the first semester of senior design when you were concurrently enrolled in ELEG/MCEG 4202 Engineering Design. These questions are concerned with actual design project and your experience with the actual design experience and NOT the 4202 course.
1) Approximately how many times per week did you meet with your faculty mentor?
2) If/when you met with your faculty mentor, how long did the meetings last?
3) Were there group meetings with more than one team?
4) If so, approximately how many times?
5) Were you ever expected to meet with your faculty mentor on an individual basis rather than as a team?
6) If so, approximately how many times and about how long did your individual meeting last?
7) At the conclusion of the 1st semester of senior design, was there an expectation that your team would build a working prototype of your senior design project?
8) Who was your 1st semester mentor?
These questions concern themselves with the second semester of senior design in ELEG 4193 or MCEG 4493.
1) Were there issues during the transition from one semester to the next?
2) If so, please elaborate:
3) Was there a change in your faculty mentor from the 1st semester?
4) Was your prior work from the first semester applicable to the 2nd semester?
5) Approximately how many times per week did you meet with your faculty mentor?
6) If/when you met with your faculty mentor, how long did the meetings last?
7) Were there group meetings with more than one team?
8) If so, approximately how many times?
9) Were you ever expected to meet with your faculty mentor on an individual basis rather than as a team?
10) If so, approximately how many times and about how long did your individual meeting last?
11) Was there an outside industry/advisory representative involved with your project?
12) If so, did this outside person improve your experience?
13) Were there any unexpected occurrences/outcomes with your project? Please explain.
14) Did you build a working prototype of your project? Please explain.
15) Were you successful in obtaining your senior design project goals?
16) Who was your 2nd semester mentor?
17) Please provide comments that you would like to share so that Senior Design can be a meaningful educational experience.
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