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Hello!) You are invited to participate in our survey of perception of product offered by company Odyseed. This product is called Odyseed Eden. Have you ever dreamt of ability to grow fresh, organic, substance-free herbs all year round in your home? With Odyseed Eden you will be able to do it. Odyseed Eden system is very simple to set up and use. It consists of a water basin, an LED light, two growing pods and a charger. Simply open the planting cover, sow the seeds, add water and your garden will take care of the rest. Greenhouses are personalized because you can use seeds and seedlings from your local gardening store! Moreover, by growing your own herbs you reduce your carbon footprint. 
Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.
Where are you from?
Are you open to the idea of growing herbs and vegetables in your house? Why or why not?
Have you heard of/tried any indoor greenhouse products?
Would you consider using the Odyseed products? Why or why not?
What would make such a product more appealing to you?
Do you find the current price (about $90) reasonable?
What do you see as strengths/weaknesses of Odyseed products?