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Do you think dogs or cats are better protectors?
A. Dogs
B. Cats
C. Neither
D. Both
Which of the following is your favorite animal?
A. Chihuahua
B. Persian Cat
C. Appoloosa
D. Muskrat
Which big cat do you prefer most?
A. Lion
B. Tiger
C. Snow Lepard
D. Cheetah
Which of the following do you own?
A. Dog
B. Cats
C. Both
D. Niether
say you owned a dog would you...
A. Whatever it
B. Spoil it
C. Neglect it
D. Take care of it normal
What would your dad say if you brought home a cat ?
B. Its so sweet
C. Are you kidding me
D. Lets shave it bald
What color dog or cat do you prefer?
A. Black
B. Tan
C. White
If your mother was fed up with your dog and she said to you that you needed to get rid of it would you say ...
A. NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
B. Why wait
C. Mom you dare get rid of Angelina Rosella
D.Forget that old dog i saw a cute beagle for free down the lane
Is your animal a light sleeper ?
A. Yes
C. Both
If your cat only had one ear would you keep it?
A. No
B. Yes
C. All animals deserve love
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