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I am taking a business class at BCIT and my group is creating a fictional company that rents artwork online to local Interior Designers for use in display homes, photo shoots, events or any time you need some artwork temporarily.
I need to do some "targetmarket research" so I made this survey of only 9 questions.  If you can take a couple of minutes to answer it that would be very helpful!
If you don't have an aswer or don't want to share your info please make something up :) it is just for school after all.
What is the average art budget per project? (Percentage or amount.)
What is the average budget for a project?
How many installs did you do last year?
What is your busiest month?
What is your slowest month?
Where do you buy/rent artwork now?
How do you typically learn about new stores?
How likely would you be to rent artwork online?
Very Likely
Somewhat Likely
Not Likely
Is your business growing?
I don't know
Thanks for your help!!!