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The professional development series:
Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Strongly disagree Disagree
1. provided me skills directly applicable to my professional career.
2. contributed to my professional development.
3. was helpful/beneficial with respect to my career objectives.
4. contributed directly to my success entering the profession.
5. provided useful information on career opportunities.
6. helped me create a plan for my selection of advanced pharmacy practice experiences.
7. helped me develop an effective "road-map" to achieve my professional goals.
8. discussions helped me form opinions about contemporary issues as they arose.
9. provided experiences encountered in real life.

The professional development series:
Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Strongly disagree Disagree
10. provided me skills directly applicable to my career:
11. helped me improve my oral presentation through the microteaching assignment
12. helped me learn to create an oral presentation through the microteaching assignment
13. helped me improve my oral presentation skills
14. helped me to develop critical thinking skills by enabling me to "think on my feet" during the microteaching assignment
15. helped me to develop my writing skills through reflective essays.
16. helped me boost my interviewing skills.
17. helped me learn the art of providing constructive feedback through peer evaluations.
18. helped me learn to apply constructive feedback.
19. improved my ability to blend knowledge with skills.
20. helped improve my time management skills.

The professional development seminar helped me:
Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Strongly Disagree Disagree
21. apply learning to my first postgraduate position.
22. focus towards my career interests.
23. reassess my original career goals.
24. identify my career interests.
25. perform peer/employee evaluations in my pharmacist position(s) since graduation.

The professional development seminar series:
Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Strongly disagree Disagree
26. did not change my professional goals.
27. confirmed the professional direction I wanted to follow.
28. influenced me to pursue postgraduate training.
29. introduced me to different career opportunities.
30. provided networking opportunities with guest lecturers.
31. enhanced my personal interaction skills.
32. provided insights about summer internship opportunities.
33. enhanced my peer evaluation skills.
34. helped me demonstrate confidence in my personal strengths.
35. helped me develop social competence, e.g., social skills.

The professional development seminar series:
Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Strongly disagree Disagree
36. taught skills directly applicable to my current position.
37. was relevant to my need to mature as a student.
38. helped me develop a positive and satisfying relationship with my academic advisor.
39. should be a core offering in the pharmacy curriculum.
By responding to the following short answer questions, you will provide us additional feedback and suggestions on the Professional Development Seminar Series:

40. List the three most important things you took away from the Professional Development Seminar Series
41. Please share any additional thoughts and/or reflections.
The following questions (#42-51) requests demographic information.

Demographic information:

Prefer not to answer
43. Age of respondent in years
Prefer not to answer