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Please respond to all the questions even if some might seem to be repetitive. There is no right or wring response - just choose the one that seems most appropriate in your case. Please try to be totally spontaneous and honest with your response. 

This survey is part of a disseration for the completion of the Msc Digital Marketing of SKEMA Business School. 
Before starting to fill this questionnaire, please read the following instructions: 
1) There are FIVE(5) sections in this questionnaires. Please ALL questions in ALL sections. 
2) Completion of this form will take you approximately 10-15 minutes (mainly due to watching the video and using the augmented reality app). 
3 The contents of this questionnaire will be kept strictly confidential. 
Thank you very much for your time and support. 

Please now start with the survey. 
Section 1 Video Advertising

After watching Passat video advertising, do you agree with the following affirmations concerning your feelings:
Strongly Disagree Moderately Disagree Slightly Disagree Neither agree/Nor Disagree Slightly Agree Moderately Agree Strongly Agree
* This ad was pleasant to watch
* This ad was entertaining
* This ad was informative
* This ad was irritating
* I trust this car more after seeing this video
* I find this video interactive
After seeing the video, how likely are you to take part in following actions:
Very Unlikely Slightly Unlikely Neutral Slightly Likely Very Likely
* I have the intention to try the car
* I have the intention to buy the car
* I have the intention to recommend the car to friends and family
* Please rank (1-6) the following criteria by order of the most important to the less important when considering purchasing a car :
Professional advice
How much time do you spend daily on following media:
None From 1 to 2 hours From 2.1 to 3 hours From 3.1 to 4 hours More than 4 hours Other
Social Networks
Section 2 Passat Augmented Reality app 

Evaluate the importance of the following:
Strongly Disagree Moderately Disagree Slightly Disagree Neither Agree/Nor Disagree Slightly Agree Moderately Agree Strongly Agree
* This experience was pleasant.
* This experience was entertaining
* I know the car better now
* This experience was irritating
* This experience was credible, I trusted it
* I enjoy to be able to interact with the car in the app
* After seeing the Augmented Reality ad, I have the intention to buy this car
* Experiencing the product in Augmented Reality motivates me to experience it in real life condition
* Experiencing the product in Augmented Reality motivates me to recommend it
* The augmented reality simulation is a great added-value to a classic newspaper ad
You are the buyer of an expensive car, do you agree with the following affirmations concerning the choice of the one you will buy:
Strongly Disagree Moderately Disagree Slightly Disagree Neither Agree/Nor Disagree Slightly Agree Moderately Agree Strongly Agree
If the car is not yet available in exposition at the car seller, Augmented Reality can help me envision if it can suit my needs.
Augmented Reality can provide more information to be considered in my decision-making process.
I prefer to see the car in front of me to feel more secure about my decision.
The possibility to see the car with different options helps me decide.
The possibility to see the car in different colors helps me decide.
I would be happy if carsellers would use Augmented Reality apps in order to see my customisation needs presented in front of my eyes.
I consider Augmented Reality as a preliminary tool to take a decision when buying a car.
Once at the car-seller, I'm more motivated in buying a car than before seeing it in reality.
I still want to see and experience the physic car before buying it.
Doing a test-drive is compulsory before I take the decision of buying.
How well do you know augmented reality?
Never heard about Augmented Reality before.
Little knowledge.
Good knowledge.
Very good knowledge.