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Questions marked with a * are required Exit Survey
* How do you rate the relevance of Automation and Innovation initiative program?
Extremely Relevant
Very Relevant
Somewhat Relevant
Not Relevant
How do you rate the current presence of the Automations in your account? *
Min. PresenceExtremely High Presence
* Presence of Automation
How do you rate the current presence of Innovations in your account?
Min. PresenceExtremely High Presence
* Presence of Innovations
* What support/enablers you would need from our end to increase Automations?
SME Support
Sales Support
Sandbox for PoV
Demo creation

* What support/enablers you would need from our end to increase Innovations?
SME Support
Sales Support
Sandbox for PoV
Demo creation

How do you rate our steps taken to implement this program and future action plan we have defined so far?
Very Dissatisfied Not Satisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied
* With Overall Initiative
* What would you like to do us differently to maximise the impact of this program further?
* Is your customer participating in this Initiative?
If "Yes", please share their views on this Initiative
If "No" - How can we help to enable the participation?