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* If you were speaking with a prospective client who will absolutely NOT spend over $1000 on wedding photography, what would you do?
Negotiate a package that will fit prospective client's budget
Kindly decline the business and mark lead dead
Refer customer to Studio Blue
* Are Studio Blue and Bella Pictures too similar in their offerings for budget minded clients (< $1,000)?
* Do you think you spend too much time discussing price with your prospective clients?
* On average, how much time spent "talking price" on each call is ideal?
* What do prospective clients say about Bella Pictures pricing?
* How should pricing be presented on the Bella Pictures website?
* What is the most common stated budget for your prospective clients now?
* Name 3 packages of competitors brought to your attention by prospective clients. Please be specific on prices and what those packages included. Finally, did you lose the sale?
* What is the ideal discount % you'd like to see on Bella list prices?
* What are the top 3 barriers to a prospective client's purchase of a wedding package?
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