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Booster Survey 1

Read it and weep. Or better, answer the questions and maybe win the huge bonus prize! Or just cry. Up to you
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Hello, please read this before you take the survey.

First of all, this is 100% anonymous. It is to help us improve, help us find ways to make the job as a booster better, and help us find ways to make the experience better for everyone involved. It is very important that you are as honest as possible!

Second of all, well there is no second of all.

Thank you all for taking the time to do this, it will help make everything run more smoothly. The idea sections is very important as well, please make sure you put some effort into it. If you have any questions about the survey in general you can message us on skype.

Enjoy! Or you know, despair!
* How long have you been Beths minions and obeyed her every command?
I was recruited as a minion when they first started this business, so at least 9 months
I have obeyed orders for 8-5 months
I have slaved away for these bitches for at least 4-2 months
I have only been here 1 month or so and Beth is my idol!
I am super new, this is a magical mystical happy place!
Please rate the following items, remember this is 100% anonymous, if you tell us we suck at everything including life, we will NOT hunt you down and stick a fork in your eye while we gleefully laugh at your whimpers of pain.
Let me put it this way, every day I fight the urge not to tear my eyes out! PS. I love teemo Suckity, suckity SUCK! (Bad.. pls make better) *Shrugs* Dont care I am sort of happy. I think.. I am pretty happy about this/him/her/it. This/him/her/it makes my day light up a little :D Perfect, I couldnt be more happy! Seriously, the best ever!
* Beth
* Dev
* Admin support in general
* Email support
* Working here
* Payments
* response times
* booster chat
* friendliness among boosters
* friendliness among staff
* How can Beth improve
* How can Dev improve
* How can Admin support in general improve
* How can we make your experience working here better
* Comments about payments
* What is bad/good about the booster chats?
* What do you think about the other boosters in general?
* Which role(s) can you boost with up to platinum 5, choose all roles you can easily reach plat 5 with.
ADC - "A ward, what is that"
Support - "Dont worry i support ap nidalee, dont need wards we have my traps!"
Mid - "Mid or feed thx"
Top - "GG we lose, jungler only helped me 64 times, REPORT"
Jungle - "I'm going to afk farm with trynd. You will get no ganks all game, but dont worry! Late game we will win!"
I cant boost to plat 5, I suck.

* If you could choose to do an account that would pay more, BUT you had to play a certain role at least 80% of the boost, would you take that account, or take one that paid less but you could choose roles?
Less Pay - Choose roles yourself
More Pay - HAVE to play clients favourite role, idiot client YOU BELONG IN BRONZE NOOB
* Do you want accounts that pay extra, but clients can choose which champions you play?
NO, I hate clients, KILL THEM ALL!
Yes, I am a greedy bastard and I want my own pool filled with gold coins so I can swim in money!
I dont know, I have no opinions except for the fact that I love teemo and justin bieber.
No/yes and this is why:
* BOOSTER LOGIN: As you know we are creating a new website with a lot of improvements. We would like you to write anything here that you want on the website from a booster perspective. All ideas are appreciated
* CLIENTS: As you know we are creating a new website with a lot of improvements. We would like you to write anything here that you think clients would appreciate for a new website. All ideas are appreciated.
* How many games a day can you do during the week (on average)
1-3 a day - I cant do more than that, I am just too lazy. I also loose a lot.
4-5 a day - I just play enough to not get fired, he he he
6-7 a day - When I sleep I dream about killing teemo, DIEEEEEEE TEMO DIEEEEE
8+ a day - I have no life, which is why I am your best booster, booyah!
* Please post any ideas you have for our new site, it can be anything from a new thing we should sell to how we handle boosters or deal with clients. It can also be anything you want us to add to the website.
* QQ section, if you are unhappy with something or someone, write it here. Remember its anonymous so you can QQ like a child throwing a tantrum if you want.
* On the new website clients will have an easy option to send tips (extra money) to reward a booster for a job well done. How would you like to see the tips be split? Choose as many options as you want.
I only care about ME and I think I am amazing and will get tons of tips, so I think all tips should go to the person who earns the tip!
I give horrible customer support and I dont think anyone will EVER send me a tip, so I think all tips should be pooled together and once a month it should be split between all boosters!
I still want a bonus system and I think all the tips should be pooled together and be given to the boosters who wins the bonus each month!
Diners Club
None of the above, this is how I want tips to be handled

* How often do you flame when you boost?
Never, I am a perfect angel!
Very seldom, only when somone pisses me off so much steam comes out my ears
I flame once every 5-10 games
I am on fire, flame spews out of me every game at least!
Flaming > Sex
* Do you always remember to use a VPN when you boost?
Yes, I dont know why you would even ask that!
I remember most of the time.
I forget most of the time.
I never use a VPN.
What is a VPN? Seriously, please link a vpn service to me, i will leave my skype in the chat box
* What LoL Champion are you?
Teemo! - I love shroooooms, captain teemo high on duty!
Malphite - Rock solid. Speaking of..
Cho'gath - Nom Nom Nom... Im fat
Sona - I have big boobs and I cannot lie, LoL players cant deny, when a Noob comes in with an itty bitty boost and those huge MOOBS on display, you shout GG!
* Does any boosters in particular stand out to you in a good way? Please name and tell why.
* Does any/several booster(s) stand out to you in a bad way? Have you seen them flame, feed or rage? Please name and write something short about it. No one will know, and we will not know who has said what, so please be honest, not lying. No one will be punished for what is said here, all that will happen is that we will keep a closer eye on them.
Do you want your next survey to be plain professional?
Yes, please. This was ridiculous. Please stop having fun with this.
I dont care, its boring either way.
No, I love occasionally laughing at the deluded writer of these surveys! Keep them like this!
Is there something you think I should have asked in this survey that I didnt?