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Questions marked with a * are required Exit Survey
* How many birthdays have you had till date?
Less than 20
Between 20-30
Between 30-40
Above 40
* Right now I am...
A student
Taking care of my home
Retired Veteran
* My family curently has 
Only me..
Spouse and kids
Parents, spouse and kids
Parents and I
* I am a workaholic. Time that I spend with family and friends is...
No time for family and friends
1-2 hours daily
2-3 hours daily
who said I'm a workaholic?? All time for friends and family
* Generally after a meal I and my family/friends eat the following
Any sweet dish
Ice cream
a slice of lemon

* I love this chocolate the most
Cadbury Dairymilk
Nestle Kitkat
Cadbury 5-Star
Nestle Munch
Ferrero Rocher
Mars milkbar
Amul cholocates
How many stars do you give Cadbury Dairymilk on the following?
* Packaging
* Design of chocolate bars
* Price
* Availability
* Sizes
 How do you compare Cadbury Dairymilk to other brands on the follwoing?
Best Good Neutral Bad Worst
* Taste
* Cocoa content
* Sweetness
* Bitterness
* Presence of nuts
Sometimes I do not eat Cadbury Dairymilk, rather I eat the other chocolates because
Better taste Cheaper Better availability Great Design Because my friends like it I had no other option..
* KitKat
* Munch
* Amul Dark Chocolate
* Ferrero Rocher
* Mars
* I like Cadbury Dairymilk, but I wish it could make the following better..
More cocoa
Price range
Design and shape of bars
Texture and feel
