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Questions marked with an * are required Exit Survey
* How many times have you been to Bishop's Centennial Theater?
2 to 5 times
5 times or more
* Do you consider the theater as an important part of your Bishop's University experience so far?
* What is your general opinion about Centennial Theater?
Unaware and know nothing about it
Uninteresting and boring
Interesting and enjoyable
Very great
* How aware are you of the theater's season program or any events that take place there?
Not at all
Pretty aware
Very aware
* If you are unaware of the theater and its season program, what would be the best ways of communicating the events to you? Select all that apply
I am well informed of the season program
Bishop's Facebook page
Bishop's Webmail
Bishop's event calendar
Posters around campus

* Do you believe an increase in promoting shows occurring at Centennial Theater would incite you to attend certain events?
* What would incite you to attend shows at Centennial Theater? Select all that apply.
Cheaper events
Shows that appeal to your interests
Cocktail events at The Gait following some shows
Food service
Students-only events

* What types of shows would you want to see added in the season program? Select all that apply.
Modern music
Public speakers
Hip-hop dance
Fashion shows
Open-mic night
Bishop's students talent show

Thank you for your time!