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CKBB Partner Survey

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Cleveland Kids Book Bank Partner Survey
The Cleveland kids book bank is interested in better understanding the experience of its partners to continually improve our processes and deliver the most impact to kids in need. This short survey is a tool to help improve CKBBs interactions with its partners.
Please describe your experience with ordering books from the Cleveland Kids Book Bank.
How satisfied are you with the following:
Very Dissatisfied Not Satisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied
Communication with CKBB or delivery group
Number of books per delivery
Book level
Condition of books
Variety of books
Delivery process
The book delivery process overall
If you could change one thing about the process that was not listed above, it would be
Which distribution methods did you use to get books to your scholars (Select all that apply)?
Provided books as prizes for games
Birthday gift give away
School break give away
Little free libraries
Special event give away

Evaluate each of the following with the level of impact you believe the books are having on your organization
No Impact Not Much Impact Somewhat Meaningful Impact Very Meaningful Impact Unsure
Direct cost savings
Time saving in acquiring books
New lesson plan/program opportunities
Would you like to recieve books again from the Cleveland Kids Book Bank?
Why or why not are you interested in more books?
On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to refer the services of the Cleveland Kids Book Bank to a friend or colleague?
1 - Very Unlikely 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 - Very Likely
* Would Recommend
Please share any additional stories, suggestions or comments about your experience with the Cleveland Kids Book Bank.