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Howdy Pinn College:

The authors of the SMD17 Mulholland Report are asking for your help! This annual report--written by your peers--is an in-depth analysis of our Clerkship Year that is drafted every.single.year.  

As part of this year's report we are hoping to identify some Best Practices from specific clerkships that can be spread to all of the clerkships. Essentially we want to figure out what's good in our third year and make sure that's more emphasized while we eliminate aspects that are just not working. We need your input to figure that out.

We know surveys are pain, so we are only asking for your input from your final block (hopefully the stuff that you remember best). 

If we can get an 80% response rate, the entire class will get a Bodo's Breakfast. So if you want do it for us, do it for the bagel.

Thanks again,
The Mulholland Report Team
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Family Medicine
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