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What is your date of birth?
How often do you cook and eat frozen pizza?
<1 a week
1-3 times weekly
>4 times weekly
What is your favorite type of Digiorno Pizza?
Extra Cheese
Four Cheese
Stuffed Crust
Stuffed Crust Pepperoni
None Of the Above
How satisfied are you with the following:
Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied
Time it takes to find a purchase my frozen pizza
Preheat oven time
Cooking time for my frozen pizza
Time it takes for pizza to cool before eating it
How do you feel about your pizza when you view it before opening the box?
I feel digusted
I find it unappitizing
I find it appitizing
I find it very appitizing
I start to salivate and get excited
Is the packaging on your Digiorno pizza difficult to open?
Sometimes my dog does this for me...
Not difficult
Sometimes difficult
Very Difficult
These darned child proof containers...
How do you feel about your frozen pizza after it is cooked?
I feel disgusted
I find it unappetizing
I find it appitizing
I find it very appitizing
I start to salivate and get excited
How cooked to you like your Digiorno Pizza
Slightly undercooked
Fully melted and a little golden
Cheese starting to crisp with a slight crunch to the crust
Very crunchy with fully golden cheese
How easy is it for you to cook your pizza to your desired doneness?
Very easy
Very hard
Overall, How do you feel about your Digiorno Experience?
Love it
Hate it
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