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Thank you for viewing Arti's Pilot Dissertation Survey! We are looking for men and women between the ages of 18-35 who were either born in India or those who have parents who were born in India. If you meet these criteria, we would love for you to take our survey!

Arti Sarma, M.A. and Professor Sharon Robinson-Kurpius, Ph.D. from Arizona State University, USA would like to invite you to participate in a research study about Parental Involvement in Academics among Indians/Indian Americans. It will take approximately 10 minutes to complete this questionnaire.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project. However, if you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you may skip questions or you can withdraw from the survey at any point. To thank you for completing the survey you can choose to enter one of five raffles for the chance to win 500Rs or $10. Your survey responses will be strictly anonymous and confidential. Your information will be coded and will only be reported as a summary with all other respondents.

If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact Arti Sarma by email at [email protected] or Dr. Sharon Robinson-Kurpius at [email protected].

Thank you very much! Please start the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.
What is your gender?
Where were you born?
What city and state are you and/or your parents from in India?
What primary language(s) do you speak at home?
What is your Major/Academic field of study? If no longer a student, what was the field of your most recent degree?
What is your highest level of education completed?
High School
If working, what is your profession?
Part 1: Perceptions of Parental Beliefs
Rate your level of agreement or disagreement with each statement based on what you think your parents believe ranging from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree. If you have already completed your studies, answer based on how it was when you were studying in the Undergraduate level.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree
…a good education is the best way to become successful.
…as long as I try my best, it does not matter what marks/grades I receive.
…academics should be the main focus of my life right now.
…I should be allowed to choose any field of study that I like.
…it is my duty to support them financially when they become old.
…I can be doing better than I am doing right now academically.
…it is my duty to help my brothers and/or sisters financially in the future.
…it is my responsibility to earn enough money to be able to support my extended family (such as grandparents, etc) if they need it in the future.
…I should pursue the profession that they choose for me rather than one that I choose for myself.
…society’s opinion about my academic success or failure is important.
…it is more important to choose a profession that offers financial stability rather than choosing a profession that I enjoy.
…I should push myself to be the best academically.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree
…it is worth sacrificing their personal desires for the sake of my academic and professional success.
…when I perform poorly in college it reflects badly on them.
…having a successful career is a sign of hard work.
…having an undergraduate degree is essential to getting a good job in the future.
…having a post-graduate degree is essential to getting a good job in the future.
…having a career that is respected by the community is important.
…they are responsible for my successes and for my failures.
…I should aim for the highest professional goal regardless of barriers that may get in the way.
…my success will bring honor to our family, our society, and our country.
…my choice of profession will have an impact on who I marry.
…I can accomplish anything if I work hard enough.
…spending time with friends will distract me from my studies.
…helping me be successful is one of their primary goals in life.
Part 2: Perceptions of Parental Behaviors
Rate the frequency that your parents have done each of these behaviors ranging from Never to Almost Always. If you have already completed your studies, answer based on how it was when you were studying in the Undergraduate level.
Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Very Frequently Almost Always
…compare me with others academically.
…encourage me to pursue extra-curricular activities.
…tell friends, family, or neighbors when I do well academically.
…pay for my college expenses such as tuition, books, materials, or fees.
…have paid to send me to private tuition classes.
…tell me to keep it up when I do well academically.
…push me to achieve more academically than I think I am capable of.
…tell me stories of successful people in hopes that I will follow their path.
…point out examples of people who failed to motivate me to avoid making those mistakes.
…give me freedom to be independent.
…have put the family’s needs before their own needs.
…have physically hit me due to poor academic performance.
…have punished me in other ways due to poor academic performance.
Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Very Frequently Almost Always
…have prevented me from spending time with friends because they thought it was more important for me to study.
…ask me about my academic performance.
…discuss my future professional goals with me.
…ask me about my friends’ academic performance.
…do special things for me close to exam times like cook special food, allow me to skip housework, etc.
…have gone without things they may have wanted or needed in order to pay for my education.
…have done special prayers or made religious offerings to God for me to do well academically.
Mother Father Both Parents
Which parent were most of your responses based on?
Who is/was more involved with your academics?
Who is/was more involved with your career choice?
Part 3: Personal Academic Beliefs Scale
Rate your personal level of agreement or disagreement with each statement ranging from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree. If you have already completed your studies, answer based on how it was when you were studying in the Undergraduate level.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree
… it is important for me to be able to support my parents financially if they need it once I complete my studies.
…it is important for me to be able to financially support my brothers and sisters if they need it once I complete my studies.
…it is important for me to be able to financially support my relatives, such as grandparents, aunts, or uncles, if they need it once I complete my studies.
…it is my duty to help pay for my brother or sister’s wedding.
…making my parents proud is a priority in my life.
…it is my duty as a son or daughter to meet my parents’ expectations.
…disappointing my parents would feel unbearable.
…obeying my parents conveys my respect for them.
…bringing honor to my family is one of my primary duties.
…making my parents happy is more important than making myself happy.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree
…it is my responsibility to care for my parents or contribute to their care when they become old.
…it is important to be a good role model for my brothers and sisters.
…being a good role model for others in my family or community is important.
…maintaining my parents’ social status by finding a profession with at least as much prestige as theirs is important.
…my professional success would be a reflection of my parents’ hard work in raising me.
…if I were to fail to achieve my academic goals, it would make my parents look bad to society.