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1. How do you rate your experience of the Dragon Leap Training Camp? 你怎樣評價「龍騰飛躍」鍛鍊營的體驗?
A. Extremely valuable 非常有價值
B. Valuable 有價值
C. Somewhat Valuable 有些價值
D. No value 沒有價值
2. How do you rate the performance of the trainer? 你怎樣評價導師的表現?
A. Very good 非常好
B. Good 好
C. Fair 普通
D. Bad 差劣
3. How do you rate the accommodation and food of the camp site? 你怎樣評價住宿及食物的表現?
A. Very good 非常好
B. Good 好
C. Fair 普通
D. Bad 差劣
4. How do you rate the training facilities of the camp site? 你怎樣評價培訓室的設施?
A. Very good 非常好
B. Good 好
C. Fair 普通
D. Bad 差劣
5. What part of the training was the most valuable for you? Why? 哪一部份的培訓最大價值? 為什麼?
6. What part of the training was the least valuable for you? Why? 哪一部份的培訓最少價值? 為什麼?