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Read each of the statements below and decide how characteristic or uncharacteristic each is of you. Indicate by choosing one of the options listed below:

Largely untrue
Somewhat untrue
Neither true nor untrue
Somewhat true
Largely true

You would say "Largely Untrue" in response to a statement if it expressed something that was very Uncharacteristic of you. You would say "Largely True" in response to a statement if it instead expressed something that was very Characteristic of you. The other response options of course allow you to express possibilities between these extremes. Please read all statements carefully so that you can understand what they are saying, but do not spend too much time on any one statement.
While I am in the middle of a personal problem, I get so involved that I just can't at the same time rise above the situation and clearly examine what I am thinking and feeling.
Largely untrue
Somewhat untrue
Neither true nor untrue
Somewhat true
Largely true
Any time I try to analyze my contributions to a problem, I get confused.
Largely untrue
Somewhat untrue
Neither true nor untrue
Somewhat true
Largely true
By thinking deeply about myself, I can discover what I really want in life and how I might get it.
Largely untrue
Somewhat untrue
Neither true nor untrue
Somewhat true
Largely true
Often my feelings about an experience are so complex and contradictory that I don't even try to understand them as they are going on.
Largely untrue
Somewhat untrue
Neither true nor untrue
Somewhat true
Largely true
Often, I am unaware of my thoughts and feelings as they are happening and only later get some idea about what I may really have been experiencing.
Largely untrue
Somewhat untrue
Neither true nor untrue
Somewhat true
Largely true
What I have learned about myself in the past has helped me to respond better to difficult situations.
Largely untrue
Somewhat untrue
Neither true nor untrue
Somewhat true
Largely true
When I get upset, I immediately react without any clear awareness of what I am doing.
Largely untrue
Somewhat untrue
Neither true nor untrue
Somewhat true
Largely true
Most of the time, I get so involved in what is going on that I really can't see how I am responding to the situation.
Largely untrue
Somewhat untrue
Neither true nor untrue
Somewhat true
Largely true