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Questions marked with an * are required Exit Survey
Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
* 1. The Company is making changes necessary to stay competitive
* 2. The Company has the right people in the right places.
* 3. Morale across the company is high
* 4. Work policies are well developed and organised
* 5. The new organisation structure, roles, relationships, and operating principles are easy to understand
* 6. The company strives hard to provide a good working environment for staff
Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
* 1. Managers are held accountable for achieving results
* 2. Managers understand what motivates employees
* 3. I am empowered by my manager to make effective decisions
* 4. My manager creates a sense of teamwork and company spirit
* 5. My manager establishes responsibility and accountability among the team
* 6. My manager helps to create a dialog with employees
* 7. I have trust in senior management
* 8. I have trust in my immediate line manager
If the Company were to make improvements int he areas listed above,which item do you think should be emphasised most over the 12-18 months in order to make the Company more effective?
Improvement needed in number:
Please offer your thoughts on how we can improve this:
Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
Senior Management communicate frequently with employees
Senior Management give staff a clear picture of the direction in which STG Travel is headed
Senior Management discusses issues and ideas with employees before making major changes
Goals, objectives, and strategies are clearly communicated
Managers do a good job communicating business objectives.
Managers are willing to listen to my ideas
Managers keep me informed about important issues
Managers communicate frequently and honestly about issues affecting employees
Employees regularly share and exchange ideas
I can speak freely to management on a variety of topics
I can see the link between my work and STG Travel's objectives
Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
I feel confident in my team members
Conflicts within the team are handled appropriately
People in this organization work well across departments.
Employees in my department work well together.
Employees in this Company work well together.
The last time I asked someone from a different function for help, I got it
I believe that all the divisions in STG Travel interact and work together to achieve a common goal
Supervisors, managers, and leaders across units speak with one voice on policies, procedures, and implementing decisions.
Communication is good between departments
At this company, work groups cooperate with each other to minimize unnecessary work.
Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
Expectations are clearly communicated to me
My Supervisor knows my job and what I do for STG Travel
Overall, my workload is reasonable.
I could do more work than I am given.
I am given clear instructions and objectives.
I receive adequate feedback and guidance.
I receive mentoring and coaching from my superior.
I receive constructive feedback on how I perform at work
I am held accountable for my performance at work
I have the authority to make decisions that I need to do my job well.
I have a clear job description
Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
STG Travel respects my dignity and recognizes my contributions
STG Travel values diversity and individual differences
Others treat me with respect at work
I have a sense of security in my job
Employees are generally friendly and willing to help you if needed
Employees are free to express their concerns and complaints
Our culture encourages high performance and process improvement
Our culture promotes a balance between work and family life
The culture helps employees work together
Policies and procedures are fair.
Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
My immediate supervisor is fair and consistent when addressing employee concerns and grievances.
Favouritism is not a problem in the organization.
Favouritism is not a problem in the department.
The working conditions at STG Travel are supportive in creating work life balance
I rarely experience stress working for my department
The working conditions at STG Travel help me balance work and family life
Job promotions are awarded fairly and without bias
Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
I plan to be working for STG Travel a year from now.
I rarely think about looking for a new job with another company.
I enjoy working at this Company and intend staying for the foreseeable future
STG Travel is a good employer to work for.
I would encourage friends and colleagues to work at STG Travel.
I feel like I make a difference.
I support STG Travel values in my day-to-day actions.
I have a sense of security in my job
I enjoy working at STG Travel
I am proud to tell others I work for STG Travel
Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
I receive personal satisfaction from doing a good job
My job is enjoyable and challenging
Morale within the company is high.
I enjoy coming to work
Considering everything, I am satisfied at this Company
It is important to me to feel appreciated at work.
I have all the tools and equipment I need to do my job well.
I am motivated to see STG Travel succeed.