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Information Sheet & Participant’s Rights

I am Nelesh Dhanpat, a Master of Commerce student at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. My supervisor is Professor S. Brijball Parumasur. I may be contacted via email at [email protected].

The study is currently undertaken as part of my Masters research in Human Resource Management.
The psychological contract plays a vital role in defining and managing the employment relationship. It encapsulates the expectations, mutual beliefs and obligations of both the employer and employee, which does not form part of the written employment contract. This type of contract is referenced as psychological, because these expectations are perceived and adhered in the mind and is a contributing factor that affects the way in which employees behave and react to changes in the workplace and the employment relationship.

What you need to do?
• You will be asked for your views on the factors that are related to the psychological contract.
• The questionnaire will take you approximately 20 minutes and you may complete this online questionnaire.
•What are your rights as a participant in the study?
• You have the right to contact me any time to discuss any aspect of the study.
• You have the right to decline or refuse to participate in the study.
• You have the right to privacy and confidentiality.
• Your name shall not be included anywhere; therefore, no one will ever be able to link you to the completed questionnaire.

* Section 1. Biographical Details

Please record your response to the following questions by selecting the appropriate choice, or by completing the question indicated.

What is your age?
> 55
* What type of work are you in?
General Staff
Junior Management
Middle Management
Senior Management
Executive Management
* What is your gender?
* How do you describe your marital status?
Married, or living as married
Not married, not living as married
* How do you desribe your race?
* How many years have you worked at your organisation?
0-2 years
3-7 years
8-12 years
13-17 years
> 18 years
* How many hours do you normally work each week?
* Under the terms of your employment contract, is your employment with this organisation for?
Not specified open
< 2 years
2-5 years
> 5 years
* What is your highest level of education attainment?
No formal qualifications
Technical Certificate or Diploma
Undergraduate Degree (eg. BCom, BA, NDip Acc)
Postgrauate Degree (eg. MCom, MBA, Mtech, PHD)
* Who do you regard as your employer?
Immediate Supervisor
Department Line Manager
Division Manager
General Manager, CEO
The Organisation itself
Section 2. The Psychological Contract

2.1. The expectations you have of your organization.

Please use this scale to answer the following questions by selecting the appropriate response.

To what extent do you believe your organization has an obligation to:
No Obligation Minor Obligation Some Obligation Reasonable Obligation High Obligation Very High Obligation Extreme Obligation
* Provide career development opportunities
* Communicate organizational knowledge
* Fulfill the formal employment contract
* Treat all employees fairly and equitably
* Provide competitive remuneration
* Provide feedback on performance and other issues
* Apply organizational policy consistently
* Act with integrity, staying true to its values and beliefs
* Promote and manage the use of intellectual knowledge
* Provide leadership and motivation
No Obligation Minor Obligation Some Obligation Reasonable Obligation High Obligation Very High Obligation Extreme Obligation
* Express support of employees
* Demonstrate commitment to its own commitment
* Maintain acceptable norms and values
* Manage change and provide strategic direction
* Provide professional and personal support
* Provide personal growth and development opportunities
* Provide a physically and socially safe environment
* Maintain professionalism at all times
* Provide employees with the resources to carry out the job
* Treat employees with respect
* Provide rewards of value to employees
* Create an environment in which people work together
* Support employees in maintaining work-life balance
2.2. The importance to you of having your expectation met.

Please use this scale to answer the following questions by selecting the appropriate response.

How important is it to you personally for your organization to:
No Importance Minor Importance Some Importance Reasonable Importance High Importance Very High Importance Extreme Importance
* Provide career development opportunities
* Communicate organizational knowledge
* Fulfill the formal employment contract
* Treat all employees fairly and equitably
* Provide competitive remuneration
* Provide feedback on performance and other issues
* Apply organizational policy consistently
* Act with integrity, staying true to its values and beliefs
* Promote and manage the use of intellectual knowledge
* Provide leadership and motivation
No Importance Minor Importance Some Importance Reasonable Importance High Importance Very High Importance Extreme Importance
* Express support of employees
* Demonstrate commitment to its own commitment
* Maintain acceptable norms and values
* Manage change and provide strategic direction
* Provide professional and personal support
* Provide personal growth and development opportunities
* Provide a physically and socially safe environment
* Maintain professionalism at all times
* Provide employees with the resources to carry out the job
* Treat employees with respect
* Provide rewards of value to employees
* Create an environment in which people work together
* Support employees in maintaining work-life balance
2.3. The expectations you believe your organisation has of you.

Please use this scale to answer the following questions by selecting the appropriate response.

To what extent do you believe you have an obligation to:
No Obligation Minor Obligation Some Obligation Reasonable Obligation High Obligation Very High Obligation Extreme Obligation
* Provide career development opportunities
* Communicate orginisational knowledge
* Fulfill the formal employment contract
* Treat all employees fairly and equitably
* Provide competitive remuneration
* Provide feedback on performance and other issues
* Apply organisational policy consistently
* Act with integrity, staying true to its values and beliefs
* Promote and manage the use of intellectual knowledge
* Provide leadership and motivation
No Obligation Minor Obligation Some Obligation Reasonable Obligation High Obligation Very High Obligation Extreme Obligation
* Express support of employees
* Demonstrate commitment to its own commitment
* Maintain acceptable norms and values
* Manage change and provide strategic direction
* Provide professional and personal support
* Provide personal growth and development opportunities
2.4. The importance to you of meeting expectations.

Please use this scale to answer the following questions by selecting the appropriate response.
No Importance Minor Importance Some Importance Reasonable Importance High Importance Very High Importance Extreme Importance
* Pursue career development opportunities
* Keep your employer informed and share knowledge
* Treat fellow employees fairly and equitably
* Remain adaptable to role requirements
* Stay true to your own values and beliefs
* Be committed in the job
* Provide leadership to others
* Be loyal to organization
* Be committed to the success of the organization
* Subscribe to the organization’s norms and values
No Importance Minor Importance Some Importance Reasonable Importance High Importance Very High Importance Extreme Importance
* Meet organizational goals and performance objectives
* Provide support and guidance to fellow employees
* Be committed to own personal growth and development
* Respect others and self
* Be committed to working with others to achieve performance goals
* Maintain a balance between work and non-work activities
* 2.5. Trust
Please select your responses to the following questions:

Do you believe your employer trusts you?
* How important do you believe it is for your employer to trust you?
Not important
Slightly important
Quite Important
Very Important
* Do you trust your employer?
* How important is it for you to trust your employer?
Not Important
Slightly Important
Quite Important
Very Important
Section 3. Employment Information

Please answer the remaining questions by the choice that best represents the degree to which you agree with each of the statements provided.

Please use the following scale to answer all questions in this section.

Career Status:
Strongly Disagree Disagree Slightly Disagree Neither Disagree nor Agree Slightly Agree Agree Strongly Agree
* I believe my opportunities for promotion have been limited in this organization.
* I am not getting ahead in this organization.
* I am likely to be promoted above my current level during my career in this organization.
* I have reached a point where I do not expect to move much higher in this organization.
* I expect to advance to a higher level in the near future in this organization.
Intention to seek alternative employment:
Strongly Disagree Disagree Slightly Disagree Neither Disagree or Agree Slightly Agree Agree Strongly Agree
* I will probably look for a new job in the near future.
* At the present time, I am actively searching for another job in a different organization.
* I do not intend to quit my job.
* It is unlikely that I will actively look for a different organization to work for in the next year.
* I am not thinking about quitting my job at the present time.
Commitment to your current organization:
Strongly Disagree Disagree Slightly Disagree Neither Disgree nor Agree Slightly Agree Agree Strongly Agree
* I would be very happy to spend the rest of my career in this organization.
* I really feel as if this organization’s problems are my own.
* I do not feel like “part of the family” in this organization.
* I do not feel “emotionally attached” to this organization.
* This organization has a great deal of personal meaning to me.
* I do not feel a strong sense of belonging to this organization.
* It would be very hard of me to leave this organization right now, even if I wanted to.
* Too much of my life would be disrupted if I decided I want to leave this organization right now.
* Right now, staying with the organization is a matter of necessity as much as desire.
* I believe that I have too few options to consider leaving the organization.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Slightly Disagree Neither Disgree nor Agree Slightly Agree Agree Strongly Agree
* One of the few negative consequences of leaving this organization would be the scarcity of available alternatives.
* One of the major reasons I work for this organization is that leaving this organization would require considerable personal sacrifice; another organization may not match the overall benefits I have here.
* I do not feel any obligation to remain with this organization.
* Even if it were to my advantage, I do not feel it would be right to leave this organization now.
* I would feel guilty if I left this organization now.
* This organization deserves my loyalty.
* I would not leave this organization.
* I owe a great deal to this organization.
Involvement in your current job:
Strongly Disagree Disagree Slightly Disagree Neither Disagree nor Agree Slightly Agree Agree Strongly Agree
* The most important things that happen to me involve my present job.
* To me, my job is a small part of who I am.
* I am very much personally involved my job.
* I live, eat and breathe my job.
* Most of my interests are centered around my job.
* I have very strong ties with my present job which it would be very difficult to break.
* Most of my personal life-goals are job oriented.
* I consider my job to be very central to my existence.
* I like to be absorbed in my job most of the time.
The support your organisation provides:
Strongly Disagree Disagree Slightly Disagree Neither Diasgree nor Agree Slightly Agree Agree Strongly Agree
* This organisation really cares about my well-being.
* This organisation strongly considers my goals and values.
* This organisation shows little concern for me.
* This organisation cares about my opinions.
* This organisation is willing to help me if I need a special favour.
* Help is available from this organisation when I have a problem.
* This organisation would forgive an honest mistake on my part.
* If given the opportunity, this organisation would take advantage of me.
How satisfied are you with your current job:
Strongly Disagree Disagree Slightly Disagree Neither Disagree nor Agree Slightly Agree Agree Strongly Agree
* All in all, I am satisfied with my job.
* In general I do not like my job.
* In general I like working in this organisation.
How well you believe your values match your organisation:
Strongly Disagree Disagree Slightly Disagree Neither Disagree nor Agree Slightly Agree Agree Strongly Agree
* My values ‘match’ or fit those of this organisation.
* My values ‘match’ or fit those of the current employees in this organisation.
* The values and ‘personality’ of this organisation and reflect my own values and personality.
How important is work to you:
Strongly Disagree Disagree Slightly Disagree Neither Disagree nor Agree Slightly Agree Agree Strongly Agree
* The most important things that happen in my life involve work.
* Work is something I get involved in most of the time.
* Work is only a small part of my life.
* Work is central to my life.
* My personal life goals are work oriented.
* Life is worth living when I get absorbed in work.
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