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Casidra (EDMS) BPK / (PTY) LTD

REG NO/NR: 1973/006186/07

We have an on-going commitment to all employees to ensure that
as a company we provide a pleasant working environment and that all
personnel are clear in their responsibilities and have the necessary
training and equipment to work in both a productive and efficient
This survey is an opportunity for you to
express your opinions about the company. 
The results
of this survey will be compared against previous and future surveys so
that we may monitor our progress in achieving our goal of continual
improvement as well as highlighting any problem areas.  

Your answers will remain confidential and will only be used as part of
an overall summary report.  
If you should have any
questions or concerns please contact the human resources department who
will be administering the survey. 
We value your
comments and views and hope by learning through your experiences that we
can make improvements throughout the organisation.

* Gender
* Race
Africa (Black)
* In which Department do you work?
Regional Ofice
* How long have you worked for the company?
Less than 3 months
Less than 12 months
Less than 3 years
More than 3 years
How do you personally rate the Company's overall performance in the following areas?
Very Good Good Adequate Poor Very Poor No Comment
* Working practises
* Working environment
* IT facilities
* Morale
How do you personally rate the Company's overall performance in the following areas?
Very Good Good Adequate Poor Very Poor Poor
* Departmental cooperation
* Inter-departmental cooperation
* Organisation and structure
* Assigning clear responsibilities
* Holding regular meetings
* Management meetings
Do you know?
No Think so Yes No Comment
* Casidra’s vision, mission and values?
* What the strategy implications are for your department?
* What the strategy implications are for your job?
How do you personally rate the Company's overall performance in the following areas?
Very Good Good Adequate Poor Very Poor
* Remuneration
* Holiday and Sick benefits
* Social Amenities
* Social Events
* Keeping you informed of company activities
Do you know?
No Think so Yes No Comment
* Who you are responsible to?
* Who you are responsible for?
* What procedures you are responsible for?
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