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Questions marked with a * are required Exit Survey
* Your Job
I have the authority to carry out the responsibility assigned to me.
I like my job.
When I do very good work, it is recognized.

* Your Boss
I have confidence in my boss.
My boss provides clear goals for me to work toward.
I get helpful feedback from my boss on a regular basis.

* Your Development
During the past year, I have significantly enhanced my skills.
I see lots of opportunities for me to grow at this company.
My COO has a sincere interest in my career.

* Your Group/Peers
My work group works toward clear goals.
There is good cooperation between my work group and other groups.

* Your Compensation
My salary is fair and competitive.
My total compensation is fair and competitive.
The company has good benefits.

* The Company Strategy and Leaders
I believe the company is headed in the right direction.
I get regular updates on the direction of the company and how it is doing.
I have confidence in the leadership of the COO/CEO.

* Longevity
I feel respected and valued.
Working for this company is a good deal.
I will probably be working for this company three years from now.

* Give the name of the colleague with whom you are most comfortable
* Give the name of the colleague with whom you are most uncomfortable
* Comments/Suggestions:
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