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The most effective way to motivate employees is:
A: Bonuses, gifts and perks.

B: Fear and intimidation.

C: Competition and contests.

D: Increased responsibilities.
E: Individual recognition and personal praise.
The most effective way to manage employees is:
A: Delegating work and returning on the due date of the job.

B: Quantifying every task and scheduling every minute of an employee's day for them.

C: Keeping your hands off and only stepping in when needed.

D: Walking around and gathering daily updates and helping to solve problems.
Overtime is usually caused by:
A: Executive - with an unrealistic or arbitrary deadline that sends a tsunami of panic all down the line.

B: Manager - who doesn't push back or look ahead, promises too much, estimates time poorly, and mis-allocates resources.

C: Client - who is late with content, or makes lots of changes, and demands that the original delivery date remains unchanged.

D: Employee - who is too slow, or makes a big mistake that puts everything days behind, or just refuses to work evenings and weekends.

E: Insufficient funds with which to hire the help needed to do the job correctly in the amount of time given.
When I bid on a rush job that I know will overtax my current staff of employees with excessive overtime, I:

A: Bid outrageously high, so they will go somewhere else.

B: Bid high, so that I will have plenty of money to hire some temp help.

C: Bid high, so that I will have plenty of money to use as bonuses for the employees who suffer through this job.

D: Bid normally, or low, because my company desperately needs the money.
When an idiotic client who hasn't a clue, jerks me around, I:

A: Bend over and take it, because my company desperately needs the money.

B: Politely tell them to take a hike and send them, and all their stupidity, to my competition!

C: Attempt reason and compromise, and tack on more rush charges for every unreasonable demand that is met.

D: Utilize employees who have been hired to stand between me and difficult clients.
When I get a huge profit from a difficult client who has just paid my outrageous rush charges, I:

A: Hand out bonuses to everyone who suffered at the hands of this unfortunate client, so they feel like it was worth it.

B: Make a deposit in the bank like always, to be invested in the company eventually.

C: Use it to pay off personal expenses.

D: Set it aside to cover the lean times.
An idiotic client is:

A: Money in the bank (money is money).

B: A necessary evil (what can you do?).

C: An opportunity to demonstrate our professionalism (and show them we are the best).

D: To be avoided at all cost (it's not worth the strain on my valued employees who might quit as a result of their abuse).
An idiotic client who disrupts everyone and everything with unreasonable demands and panicky deadlines is:
A: Good for business (because I can charge them a lot).

B: Bad for business (because they screw up the schedules of all my reasonable clients).

C: Good for morale (because a good crisis pulls people together and promotes teamwork).

D: Bad for morale (because they take years off the life-span of each employee).
Some people stay late and put in lots of overtime at work because:
A: They are dedicated to the company and client and want to make sure everything gets done on time.

B: They are incompetent and need twice as many hours to do the same amount of work a competent employee does in a regular day.

C: They spend all day goofing off and socializing, so the only way they get anything done is when everyone goes home and they are alone.

D: All are potentially true.
People hate their jobs because:
A: They are fundamentally lazy and don't want to work.

B: They don't feel empowered in the workplace.

C: They don't feel appreciated.

D: They are not treated in a fair and reasonable manner.

E: They have too many responsibilities and not nearly enough control to manage effectively.

F: They project their personal problems onto their job and boss as a way of venting hostility.
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