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Please state your age, ethnicity (Hong Kong Chinese, mainland Chinese, Caucasian, Greek, etc) and number of years in Hong Kong.
Fill in the blank space for the following sentence: "For millions of ______ or "overseas Chinese", life beyond China�s borders is fraught with questions of identity."
"Iron rice bowl" refers to one of the following:
a variety of rice (like "basmati rice") placed in a bowl
a bowl made of iron for putting in rice
guaranteed employment
a strong economy
Other (please state)
During Chinese New Year, parents in Hong Kong would give each child a
hong bao
red packet
ang pow
Other (please state)
Fill in the blank space: "Tenderers must have at least TWO (2) aggregate years of experience in provision of services of ticket selling, fees collection or shroff ___ operation in the past ten (10) years. "
Other (please state)
"Teddy boy" refers to
a guy who is cuddly
a guy who has "teddy bear" looks
a guy who is a triad member
a guy who is pampered
A movie suitable for viewing by adults has the following classification:
Category Four
Category Three
Other (please state)
Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word: "Mr Kee, the Principal of C J School, __________our prize-giving ceremony during Sports Day."
was present at
presided over
Other (Please state/Comments)
Provide anywhere between 3 and 5 examples that would identify you as a user of Hong Kong English (e.g. "sms" = text messaging) in personal blogs, MSN/Yahoo Messenger, online discussion forums, etc.
I think English use in Hong Kong
is equal to U.S. English but inferior to British English
is equal to both U.S. and British English
is equal to British English but inferior to U.S. English
Other (Please state/Comments)
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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