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“We need your feedback”

Questionnaire – Rationale Letter (Draft) …this still needs to be completed

In recent years, the membership of The Spanish Club, Hogar Español has reduced significantly, as many of the original founding members have grown older and their children and grandchildren have integrated into Australian society, no longer having the same needs or desire for membership.

In order for the Club to survive into the future, it needs to become relevant to this lost group and also expand into the broader Australian community. Hence, rather than accepting that the Spanish Club has come to an end, La Directiva would appreciate your feedback to better understand your needs and what you are looking for from a Club to engage your interest.

We will use the information to establish a Plan of Activities for the coming year and a new Value Proposition that respects and takes into consideration all age groups and needs…including those of newly arrived Spaniards into Australia,

Being a small voluntary committee, we will be looking for volunteers to lead some of the new activities.

Please return your completed questionnaire by 28 February 2013.

What is your age?
Younger than 18
18 - 24
25 - 34
35 - 44
45 - 54
55 - 64
65 or older
Prefer not to answer
Are you a current member of the Spanish Club?
Have you ever been a member of the Spanish Club?
Do you have Spanish Heritage?
Yes, born in Spain.
Yes, parent/s were born in Spain.
Yes, grandparent/s born in Spain.
How likely are you to participate in the following activities at the Spanish Club? Check only one answer for each possible activity.
Extremely likely Very likely Likely Unlikely Not likely at all Not sure
Chinchon card game
Social Soccer (monthly)
Computer Course
Photography Course
Painting Class
Extremely likely Very likely Likely Unlikely Not likely at all Not sure
Spanish Cooking Course
Asturiano Dance Classes
Guitar Classes
Flamenco Dance Classes
Spanish Classes for Adults with Tapas Meal
English Classes for Spanish Speakers
Spanish Classes for Children - conditions apply
How likely are you to join any of the following subgroups of the Spanish Club? Check only one answer for each possible subgroup.
Definitely likely Very likely Likely Unlikely Very unlikely Unsure
Seniors Group (Tercera Edad)
Grupo Principado de Asturias
Pena Flamenca
Grupo Madrid
Book Club
Professional & Business Directory
First Name : 
Last Name : 
Email Address : 
How likely are you to become a member of the Spanish Club?
Definitely likely
Very likely
Not likely at all
How likely are you to participate in Spanish Club Activities?
Definitely likely Very likely Likely Unlikely Not very likely Unsure
As a participant
As a full-paying member
As a group leader
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