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Questions marked with a * are required Exit Survey
Thank you for attending today's event - we would be grateful for your feedback.
* Delegate name
* Organisation
* How satisfied are you feeling after Fujitsu's Executive Discussion Evening?
Extremely Unsatisfied
Extremely Satisfied
Please rate the content and delivery of the presentations.

Use the star rating below, where 1 Star = Poor and 5 Star = Excellent
* Content - Murray Shanahan
* Delivery - Murray Shanahan
* Content - Hamish McRae
* Delivery - Hamish McRae
What headline topic or speakers would attract you to a future event?
How could the event be improved? Comments/Suggestions:
We are considering extending Fujitsu's Executive Discussion Evenings to a wider audience.

Please feel free to nominate any colleagues who might be interested in receiving an invitation.
First name : 
Last name  : 
Email Address : 
Thank you for your time. May we use your comments to promote the EDE?