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Questions marked with a * are required Exit Survey
* I enrolled (Started) ISAZ during
Trimester 1-August-October
Trimester 2-November-February
Trimester 3-February-May
Mrs. Tryon sent me a graduation plan and I know what is required of me in Highschool
I am not sure
* Mrs. Tryon discussed the graduation plan with me
I am not sure
* ISAZ has helped me start off high school successfully
Not at all
* When you started your first Trimester at ISAZ you were placed in the 9th grade pathway courses. The pathway was designed to help you ease your way into high school and ensure your academic success. How effective was the pathway at helping you be successful this year?
Very Effective
Somewhat Effective
Not Effective
* Do you think ISAZ should continue to have the 9th grade pathway courses?
* You were enrolled in a 7 mindsets course this year as part of the 9th grade pathway. Did you attend any of the sessions either live or recorded?
Yes, all of them
Yes, some of them
None of them
I do not know what 7 Mindsets is
* You were sent numerous emails in regard to your ECAP and AZCIS login. Your ECAP is to help you plan for your post secondary goals. Did you complete your 9th grade checklist for ECAP in your AZCIS account?
Only some of it
Not sure
* What was something helpful for you this year/advice to future freshmen?
* What is one thing ISAZ can do to improve the Freshmen experience at ISAZ?