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Brookfiled Global Relocation Services

Global Onboarding Process Survey

Onboarding is vital to the success of our organization, as it impacts areas such as job performance, satisfaction, organization commitment and retention.

To recognize the effort of the global HR and IT Teams in putting this process together, we would like to ask you to take a few moments to complete this Global Onboarding Process Survey, and share your valuable feedback with us.

Human Resources will review the form and contact you, should there be a need for clarification.

The feedback you provide us will be categorized in the following areas:

1. New Hire Portal
2. New Hire PEER Support Program
3. IT Concierge Service
4. Overall Onboarding Process
* 1. The materials on the New Hire Portal are useful to me and my new team member.
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Comments / Suggestions

* 2. Is there any additional information you would like to see on the New Hire Portal?
If your answer is "Yes", please provide some examples.

* 3. The New Hire PEER Support Program helped me and my new team member through the entire Onboarding Process.
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Comments / Suggestions

* 4. What was it about your experience that led you to this rating?
* 5. Did you take advantage of the New Hire PEER Support Program through the entire Onboarding Process?

* If your answer is "Yes", what has your PEER helped your new hire with?
Welcome new hire
Support new hire to set up of the workstation including stationery supplies, IT, telephony
Discuss with new hire on the mission statement and values
Provide new hire a tour of the building and immediate area
Explain where rest rooms, refreshments and break areas are located
Discuss with new hire on guidelines on security, such as keeping doors, assigned cabinets and files locked
Assist new hire with introductions and networks with others
Act as an informational resource on general procedures, norms, day-to-day operations (Direct you to the SharePoint site including important sections around Company policies and procedures.)
Provide new hire the information on the departmental management structure
Answer questions and referring to appropriate resources
Check-in regularly with you
Other, please list here

* 6. The IT Concierge Service helped me and my new team member through the entire Onboarding Process.
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Comments / Suggestions

* 7. The Onboarding Process helped my new team member integrate with team and Brookfield well.
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Comments / Suggestions

* 8. Do you have any suggestions or additional feedback on the entire Onboarding Process?
If your answer is "Yes", please provide your feedback.

Thank you for taking the time to complete the Global Onboarding Process Survey form.