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Basant is sending out an email to her team. She put the team members email addresses in the "To" field. 
She will either CC or BCC Yassine to the email. What would happen in each case?
No difference
If she CC's Yassine, the rest of the team will know Yassine is receiving the email, and if she BCC's Yassine, the rest of the team would not know.
If she CC's Yassine, the rest of the team will not know Yassine is receiving the email, and if she BCC's Yassine, the rest of the team will know.
Besides the scenario mentioned in the previous question, share a case or reasons you would use BCC
Why should an email have a subject line (state as many reasons as you can think of) ?
An email was sent to multiple people, including me, and I am about to respond. A good practice is to...
Reply to the sender only
Reply to all (by hitting the reply to all button) unless I only want the sender to read my message (in that case I hit the reply button)
As a team member (especially if I am a team leader), I might be receiving sensitive, personal, or confidential information from other team members. I am expected to:
Make sure nobody else has my email password
Put a password and automatic screen lock on my phone
Log off my email account when using any computer or device shared with others
All the above
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