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Exit Survey
How long have you been working for the organisation?
0-1 year
1-2 year
3-5 year
>5 year
What is your organization’s primary line of business?
Food and Beverages
Real Estate
Support services
What is the size of your organization?
0-499 employees
500-999 employees
1000-2999 employees
> 3000 employees
What training method or techniques are used in your organisation? (Tick all that applies)
Orientation / Induction courses
Trainee-ship program
On-the Job training by supervisor or co-workers
Management development program
In-house programs (e.g. job rotation, placements or special project designed to develop employee skills)
Outside educational programs supported by the organisation

Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree
I find the training I have received are helpful for my present job
I find it easy to apply the training I have received
There are opportunities available for me to develop new skills
There are opportunities for me to cross-train and learn new skills
I have the opportunity for career development within the organisation
I am encouraged to take the initiative in determining my own career development
I have a good idea about the career opportunities open to me at the organisation
Overall, how satisfied are you with the training you received for your present job?
Very Dissatisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Very Satisfied
Overall, how satisfied are you with your career development within the organisation?
Very Dissatisfied
Somewhat Dissatisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Very Satisfied
How would you recommend the organisation you are working with to improve their training programs and techniques?
How satisfied are you with the following:
Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied N/A
The quality of orientation and training received for your current position in the company
The mentoring you are currently receiving from senior peers
Management's support for my efforts to improve my weaknesses
Current performance appraisal process
Employee evaluations
There is a consistent and equitable system of rewards
Recognition by your immediate supervisor
Peer recognition
Peer pressure
Personal sense of accomplishment
Professional learning and growth opportunities
Career advancement opportunities
Bonus and incentive programs
What are the three training areas most important to your development over the next two years?
Computer software
Presentation skills
Foreign language
Marketing skills Technical/professional
Time management
Negotiating skills
Management development
Team process and management