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Hello! You are invited to participate in our survey to help us find out more about our fellow HSS freshies. In this survey, you will be asked to complete a survey that asks questions about the activities you would like to see in HSS. It will take approximately 5 minutes to complete the questionnaire. Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact Ng Pei Yin at 91998968 or by email at the email address specified below. Thank you very much for your time and support.
Which of the following do you consider yourself to be?
Choose the best adjective that best describes your current school life.
Which is the preferred activity that you would do with your friends?
Watching movies
Playing games
Having a meal
Explore new places

What do you usually do after school?
Hang out with friends
Go home and study
Stay in school to do projects
Go for CCA

Choose your favourite activity below:
Sports (Basketball, Soccer, Badminton)
Team building games
Water games
The following are events/activities that HSS had organised before. Please rate them according to your preferences
HSS Freshie Welcome Night
HSS Running Club (weekly)
HSS Annual General Meeting (AGM)
HSS Freshmen Orientation
Are most of the close friends you have in HSS from your class? Would you like to make friends with other HSS students who are outside your class? Why or why not?
How many hours are you willing to spend in school after your lessons if HSS organizes a bonding event?
No. of hours
Which of these activities would you participate in?
Dance with HSS
Get full with HSS
Explore with HSS