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Human Capital Management Survey

Leadership Survey
This past year Cambia implemented a new approach to performance management for leadership positions (supervisors and above), which includes new discipline around human capital management practices.

Please take 3 - 5 minutes to complete the following survey to help us see how things are progressing.
Which type of leadership role do you play?
I do not have direct reports
I supervise non-leadership staff only
I supervise leadership staff (may also include non-leadership staff)
My direct supervisor has conducted performance conversations with me:
Not at all
Less than once each quarter
At least once each quarter
I feel that the quarterly performance conversations with my direct supervisor have been:
Did not have conversations
Not terribly helpful and/or felt like a “check the box” exercise
Of acceptable quality and/or somewhat helpful with respect to ensuring I’m focusing on the right things
Of highest quality and/or very helpful with respect to ensuring I’m focusing on the right things
I feel that my performance objectives (as edited throughout the year) represent a realistic reflection of what results are expected of me in my role:
Not at all
To a great extent
I have conducted performance conversations with each of my direct reports each quarter thus far (whether or not they are in management):
Not at all
Hit and miss
At least once each quarter with some of my direct reports
At least once each quarter with all of my direct reports
I feel that these conversations with my direct reports have been:
Did not have conversations
Not terribly helpful and/or felt like a “check the box” exercise
Of acceptable quality and/or somewhat helpful with respect to ensuring that they are focusing on the right things
Of highest quality and/or very helpful with respect to ensuring that they are focusing on the right things
Are there any suggestions you have for making the performance management process for leadership roles more effective?