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My comfort level with technology is...
A. I can email.
B. I text on my phone.
c. I have a facebook page
C. I have created a Webpage.
D. I could be on the geek squad.
I find technology helpful in my classroom.
I use the following technology currently.
A. Overhead projector
B. Computers
C. Calculators
D. Smartboard
E. Video Projector

Please rate your desire to use new technology. 1-What I'm doing now is fine and 10-Sign me up for more now!
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
It is too hard to monitor student progress on technology.
Yes No
I would like to become more familiar with.....
A. Discovery Streaming
B. Apex
C. My Access
D. Moodle
E. Google Apps

I would like to be trained on new technology.
During our weekly staff meetings.
After School.
During my planning.
Before School
During inservice days.
Take training offered by District.

The following most describes me.
I leave the techno stuff to those younger teachers.
I want to stay on the cutting edge.
I don't know how to integrate technology into my classroom.
I know what I want to do, I need help with the tools of how to do it.
The task that most effectively uses technology in my classroom is....
What keeps me from using technology is.....
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