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Is an Internet radio program right for you

We want to learn more about you and find out if you are ready for an Internet Radio program. If you would answer these questions, we will have a better idea on where you are and how we can help you. Thank you very much for your time and we look forward to talking with you very soon.
Questions marked with a * are required Exit Survey
* How could an Internet radio show help you? (Select all that apply)
You want to expand your business and you have heard that an Internet Radio show could do that.
You have something you "have" to tell the world about! A passion that can not be stopped.
You have a message that "might" or "could" help others and you want to share it.
You have a seminar, book, or product you want to sell.
You have a hobby or craft you want to talk about.
You like talking and motiving others.

* If you have developed a business model, how many of the following elements have you completed?  (Select all that apply)?
You are in business and have a structure in place
You have written a business plan
You have written a marketing plan
You have market research
The funding is in place to start you business
You have developed a marketing budget
You have just outlined what you want to do
You have not decided on a business structure

* If you are in business for yourself, what percent of your income is support your lifestyle (Select all that apply)?
Less than 50%
Between 50 and 80%
80 to 95%
You are satisfied with your income
You don't need to make money

* How large of a geographical area do you want to reach (Select all that apply)?
Your city
Your local region
Your state
Several states around you
The United States
The want to reach the world

* How are you reaching prospects? (Select all that apply)
Social media
Going to trade shows
Advertising in trade publications

* How many people are following you?

* If you have established a marketing budget, how much is it per month??
You do not want to say

If you have a Website or Wordpress, what is the address or URL?
If you have written a book, what is the name of it?
Contact Information
* First Name : 
* Last Name : 
Phone : 
* Email Address :