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Questions marked with an * are required Exit Survey
How did you hear about Kol Hadash?
Friend or relative
Googled "humanistic Jewish" or "Kol Hadash"
Referred by Society for Humanistic Judaism (SHJ)
Calendar Listing
Graphic Ad in the "J"
Solano Stroll
Jewish Resource Guide
What is your age range?
Under 21
Please choose as many items below that describe you:
full-time student
part-time student
working full time
working part time
currently engaged in volunteer work
caretaker for a dependent
raising children

Do you now belong to other Jewish institutions or congregations which require a membership fee?
What Jewish community events do you attend? (ex. film festival, Israel festivals, Jewish music festival, Lehrhaus Judaica conferences, etc.)
What are some of nonprofit organizations you feel the most strongly about, which you financially support or participate actively in?
Please tell us about your interests:
No interest Somewhat interested Very interested
Jewish literature, books, poetry
Jewish thought: philosophy, religious ideas
Jewish history
Jewish music
Jewish art, humor, culture, film, languages
Israeli society, middle east politics
Anti-semitism, racism, LGBT discrimination
Immigration issues
Medicine and Health
International health and poverty issues
No interest Somewhat interested Very interested
Environment and climate change
Science topics in general
Local and state political issues
Money, economic issues
The arts (music, dance, visual arts, concerts)
Social concerns (children, aging, disability, poverty, etc)
Personal growth/psychology
Food/cooking/politics of food
Architecture and the built environment
Animal welfare
If you are a member of the Kol Hadash group, please choose any interest below which applies to you:
Meeting other secular Jews
Attending lectures and discussions on Jewish themes
Attending shabbats or holiday celebrations
Attending Passover Seders
Attending social events in homes
hiking, restaurant outings, potlucks, museum visits without specific Jewish themes

* First Name : 
* Last Name : 
* Email Address : 
Thanks for completing the survey questions! Those completing the surveys will be entered in a drawing to be held at the end of October. Two winners of our free Kol Hadash memberships will be contacted shortly thereafter.