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Macklind Mile 2016

One Source, A Marketing & Research Company, LLC - -
Thank you so much for participating in the Macklind Mile on Saturday, June 25th.
We plan for a lot with this event.  Things like the weather though, we can only hope for the best. And this year, besides the temperature, we did ok on the weather! But, what about the aspects of the race we can control? But, what about the aspects of the race we can control?
We are continuing to make sure you are provided an opportunity to have a great racing experience so we ask that you please take some time to answer the following questions about the event. It should take you 8 minutes or less. Again this year we partnered with a local business; One Source, A Marketing & Research Company; to help us understand how we did and what we can do better next year. Our goal is to put on the best running and walking events in the St. Louis area so we value your input immensely. Please be assured that your responses to these questions will remain confidential. The folks at One Source tell us that responses from each person will be rolled together and your name will never be attached to your responses so please be honest and tell us what you really think.
Thanks for your input and for your participation in the Macklind Mile!
Matt Helbig, CEO/Founder
Big River Running Company
* Did you complete the Macklind Mile race on Saturday, June 25th this year?
Which event did you participate in? If you participated in more than one, check both.
Recreational Wave
Men's Wave
Women's Wave
Elite Wave
Kids quarter mile dash
The Dog Mile

* How many times in the past have you run the Mackind Mile?
None, this was my first time
2 or 3 other times over the years
4 or more times over the years, - but I haven't been in all of them
I've run all 9 Macklind Miles!
* Overall, what did you think about this year's Macklind Mile event? Please think about all aspects of the event from beginning to end. Would you say the Macklind Mile event was...?
Very Good
* Please tell us why you feel the Macklind Mile race was "poor."
* When did you first hear about this year's Macklind Mile event? Please select which response best describes when you first heard about the event.
A few days before the race
About a week before the race
Two to three weeks before the race
A month or more before the race
A year ago, at last year’s Macklind Mile
* How did you first hear about this year's race? Would you say it was from...
The Big River Running Company own website
The Big River Running Company newsletter
In a Big River Running Company store
Big River Race Management's website
Big River Race Management's newsletter
From a Friend
On Facebook
On Twitter
On another race calendar (one not sponsored by BRRC)
Some other way
* What was the way you heard about the Macklind Mile race?
* Have you visited the Macklind Mile website?
On the Macklind Mile website did you ...
Yes No
* Check for race details, such as start time and location?
* View the course video?
* View elevation chart?
* Register on-line?
* Look for ways to volunteer?
* Look at results of prior Macklind Mile races?
* Look at photos and/or videos of prior Macklind Mile events?
* Click on a link to the website of one of the sponsors?
* Look for ways to contact the race director?
Which of the sponsors of the Macklind Mile event can you remember? Please enter all the sponsor company names which come to mind.

Enter only one name per row.
Sponsor Names
* When did you pick up your packet?
Wednesday at Big River Running Company's West County location
Wednesday at Big River Running Company's south city location
Thursday at Big River Running Company's West County location
Thursday at Big River Running Company's south city location
On race day
Someone else picked it up for me
* How would you rate the packet pick-up process? Would you say ...?
Excellent - Very smooth and all my info was correct
Good - A bit disorganized but all my info was correct
Not very good - Rather disorganized and/or some of my info had to be corrected
Poor - Disorganized and/or all my info was screwed up
* What do you think about this year's Macklind Mile t-shirt overall?
Very good
* How did you get to the run on Saturday morning?
I drove and parked
I rode with someone else and we parked
I rode with someone else and they dropped me off
I live close by so I walked/rode a bike
Some other way
* Where did you park?
At the beginning of the race by or at the YMCA
On one of the streets between the start and finish; closer to the start of the race
On Buder School lot
On one of the streets between the start and finish; closer to the finish of the race
On one of the streets near the finish of the race
* How would you rate the convenience of the parking for the run on Saturday?
Very good
Now we'd like to know what you thought about a few aspects of the Macklind Mile event. Please tell us what you thought about each.
Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Don't know/Didn't use
* Restroom availability at start area
* Restroom cleanliness at start area
* Water availability at start area
* Starting line organization
* The course overall
* Volunteer support
* Friendliness of volunteers
* Enthusiasm of volunteers
* Sufficient number of volunteers
* Traffic control on the course
* Finish line organization
* Restroom availability at finish area
* Water availability at finish
* The awards ceremony after the race
* Post race party
* About how long did you stay after the race?
I left right after my race
I left after the last race
I left after the awards ceremony
I stayed around for the party afterwards
* Have you checked for results of the Macklind Mile on the Big River Running Company website yet?
* As of right now, how likely are you to participate in the Macklind Mile event next year?
Definitely will do this again
Probably will do this again
Might or might not do this again
Probably will not do this again
Definitely will not do this again
* Would you recommend the Macklind Mile event to a friend or relative in the future?
I absolutely would
I probably would
I might or might not
I probably would not
I absolutely would not
* Considering what you paid for registering for the Macklind Mile, would you say this event was:
An excellent value for the money
Very good value for the money
Good value for the money
Fair value for the money
Poor value for the money
* Please indicate which store, if any, you purchased an item from on the day of the race. Check all that apply.
Big River Running Company
The Mack Bar and Grill
Smoothie King
Keller Apothecary
Russell's Cafe
Macklind Deli
Onetime Supply Co.
Copper Pig
None of them

* How was your overall experience when you made your purchase from Big River Running Company on the day of the race? Would you say it was:
Very good
* Approximately how much did you spend when you purchased something at Big River Running Company on the day of the race?
* How was your overall experience when you made your purchase from The Mack Bar and Grill on the day of the race? Would you say it was:
Very good
* Approximately how much did you spend when you purchased something at The Mack Bar and Grill on the day of the race?
How was your overall experience when you made your purchase from Smoothie King on the day of the race? Would you say it was:
Very good
* Approximately how much did you spend when you purchased something at Smoothie King on the day of the race?
* How was your overall experience when you made your purchase from Keller Apothecary on the day of the race? Would you say it was:
Very good
* Approximately how much did you spend when you purchased something at Keller Apothecary on the day of the race?
* How was your overall experience when you made your purchase from Russell's Cafe on the day of the race? Would you say it was:
Very good
* Approximately how much did you spend when you purchased something at Russell's Cafe on the day of the race?
* How was your overall experience when you made your purchase from Macklind Deli on the day of the race? Would you say it was:
Very good
* Approximately how much did you spend when you purchased something at Macklind Deli on the day of the race?
* How was your overall experience when you made your purchase from Onetime Supply Co. on the day of the race? Would you say it was:
Very good
* Approximately how much did you spend when you purchased something at Onetime Supply Co. on the day of the race?
* Which statement below describes how many times you have purchased items from Big River Running Company?
I’ve never purchased anything from any of their stores
The week of the race was the first time I purchased something from their stores
I’ve only purchased a couple items from their stores in the past
I am a loyal customer and purchase from their stores frequently
* If you could sum up the Macklind Mile experience in just one sentence, what would that be?
If there were one thing that the organizers of the Macklind Mile could do to improve the event for you, what would that be?
* These last few questions are just to help us better understand the results to these questions

First of all, are you ...?
What is your age?
* About how many races do you think you will run during 2016?
Macklind Mile is the only race I will do this year
2 - 4 races this year
5 to 9 races this year
10 to 14 races this year
15 to 19 races this year
20 or more races this year
And now one last question for those of you who are new to the Macklind Mile.
Very briefly, what was the main reason you decided to participate this year?
Please contact One Source if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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