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The EMS&OEM Group Marketing Teams (Adams Rite, HES & Securitron) need your help!

You may know them as 'sell sheets', 'cut sheets', or 'spec sheets'  - we don't care what you call them, but we want to make sure that the information we provide to you (separate from our catalog pages) are meeting your needs. Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions, we appreciate the feedback.

Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact Melissa Skogan at 623.482.5626 x 4008.  Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.
* Which of the following best describes your current position?
EMS&OEM Group Aftermarket Sales Representative
Door Security Solution Sales Representative
Internal ASSA ABLOY employee
How effective would you rate the current sell sheets as a sales tool?
0 - I've never used one 1 - Not at all effective 2 3 - Mediocre 4 5 - Perfect!
* Adams Rite
* Securitron
* Which of the following statements do you agree with the most regarding EMS&OEM Group sell sheets?
Sell sheets are fine as they are
Sell sheets need to include more detailed information
Sell sheets are too wordy. These are sales tools and need to whet the appetite. Slim them down and direct them to the website to learn more.
* What is your preference regarding features and benefits included on sell sheets?
Keep it tight (just a mention) - this should be a technical, spec-focused piece.
Some is good
More information is always better
* What is your preference regarding application usage information being included on sell sheets?
Not needed
General use is sufficient
Specific 'where to use' information should be highlighted
* What is your preference regarding product specifications being included on sell sheets?
Not needed, we can get that information elsewhere
Only include high level specs. This is a sales tool, not a technical sheet.
Include every spec. This is important reference material needed to sell the product and answer questions.
* For Adams Rite, HES and Securitron, sell sheets often cover the same data as the catalog page. Do you think these should be different? (Please elaborate with specifics on what you are looking for that is missing or what you would exclude in the future)
* My preference for sell sheets is... (select one)
A sell sheet for every product in the line, customized for various opportunities.
Only select products need sell sheets
Combination sell sheets that showcase a couple of products and how they work together
Only new products need sell sheets
None of the above
* How do you use sell sheets? (Check all that apply)
In discussion when I sit down with a customer
As a leave behind for later reading or follow up after request/discussion
I email them out as needed
As a quick reference guide to refresh my memory on product knowledge
I don't use them

When thinking of the different materials that the marketing team could provide, which are you interested in having the EMS&OEM Group prioritize for your use?
1 - No interest 2 3 - Nice to have 4 5 - Must have, top priority item
* A door scenario application piece
* Case studies
* How to Order guides
* Installation videos
* More vertical-specific pieces
* Price sheets
* Product FAQ
* Promotion/sales videos
* Selling tips
* White papers
Now let's talk about product launch kits (we're almost done!)
* After a product has launched, do you normally receive a product launch kit?
In regards to current EMS&OEM Group (Adams Rite, HES and/or Securitron) product launch kits...
Yes No
* Do you order sell sheets off DokShop?
* Do you order sell sheets of Nvision/the Extranet?
* Do you download sell sheets off the website?
* Do you only reference the catalog(s)?
* Have you created your own digital library based on emails marketing has sent to you?
* Have you created your own sales materials from the information provided?
* Do you want to automatically receive a follow-up quantity?
* In regards to future EMS&OEM Group product launch kits, how would you prefer to receive this information? (Select one)
A physical kit that is shipped to me
Physical sheets that I can order from DokShop
A PDF I can download from the website
A PDF I can download from the Extranet
A PDF that is emailed to me
* Is there anything else that the EMS&OEM Group brand marketing teams (Adams Rite, HES and Securitron) could offer that would make your job easier?
Thank you! those are all of our questions. We appreciate your feedback.