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1 November 2009
Broomfield, Colorado

Dear MarketMaker Focus Group Participant,

We have asked you to participate today in order to help us learn how to make MarketMaker a more useful tool for the food industry.

In the on-line questionnaire that follows, you will be asked to complete specific activities using MarketMaker, to reflect upon your experience, and to answer specific questions about your experience.

Your feedback is very important to us! In order for your input to be as useful as possible we need you to be as honest and forthcoming as possible. If you see areas for improvement, then please let us know. If you have suggestions on how particular features of the site might be better presented or if you wish that other features were available, please do not hesitate to let us know. The network of more than 15 states that support MarketMaker will only benefit from your frankness.

Once we have completed the computer lab session, we will allow you to compare notes and engage in a group discussion.

Please now proceed with the remainder of the questionnaire.
Personal Information
Last Name
First Name
Email Address
Street Address
Zip Code
Telephone Number (xxx)xxx-xxxx
Business/Employer Information
What segment(s) of the food industry best describes your business?
Institutional Food Service (e.g. School, Hospital, Elder Care)
Retail Grocer
Retail Market

Please briefly describe your business.
Experience with MarketMaker and Related Tools
Please choose the selection that best describes your experience with MarketMaker.
I Knew Nothing About MarketMaker Prior to Today
I have known about MarketMaker but have not used it yet.
Novice (occasional user - once a month or less)
Intermediate (2-10 times per month)
Advanced (frequent user - more than 10 time per month)
Power User(use daily, often multiple times/day)
Please comment additionally on your use of MarketMaker
Please indicate other Internet sites that you use regularly.
State or Regional Food Sector website
Web-based e-mail

Please indicate all electronic devices you regularly use.
Computer - Desktop
Computer - Laptop
Computer - Notebook
Cell Phone
PDA (Blackberry, I-Phone)
Fax Machine


Do you have a computer in your home?


If you have Internet access at home how often do you generally use it?
No Internet access at home
Less than 1 hour per week
1 to 5 hours per week
6 to 10 hours per week
11 to 20 hours per week
More than 20 hours per week


Check the response that corresponds with your level of computer use in each area.
Novice User Never Use Average User Advanced User
Communications (email, instant messaging).
Personal productivity applications (word processing, spreadsheet, presentations, etc.)
Internet based research and applications (Google, blogs, etc.)
Business software applications (accounting, inventory)
Application development for the PC, internet, or mainframe
Engineering and design applications (CAD)
Entertainment ( music, photography)

Characterize your Internet connection at home:
No Internet access at home
Dial-up - toll free
Dial-up - toll call
Broadband - wireless
Broadband - modem cable
Broadband - DSL - phone company
Broadband - fiber optics
Broadband – T-1


If you have Internet access at work how often do you use it?
No Internet access at work
Less than 1 hour per week
1 to 5 hours per week
6 to 10 hours per week
11 to 20 hours per week
More than 20 hours per week


Characterize your Internet connection at work:
No Internet access at work
Dial-up - toll free
Dial-up - toll call
Broadband - wireless
Broadband - cable modem
Broadband - DSL (phone company)
Broadband - fiber optics
Broadband – T-1 line

Using MarketMaker
Timed Activities - wait for instructions to proceed

At the beginning and upon completion of each activity you will be asked to note the time. Use the clock on your computer for this.
Please Indicate the start time (e.g. 10:35 am)
In 10 minutes (or less) navigate throughout the Colorado MarketMaker site and indicate which of the following features you find.
National Sponsors
Learn MarketMaker
Business Registration
MarketMaker MarketPlace (buyer/seller forum)
Find a Market
Find a Producer
Find Farmers Markets
Fact Sheets
Case Studies
Related Websites
Regional/Local Sponsors

Please indicate the finish time (e.g. 10:45 am)
Please describe any difficulties you encountered.
In the following section you will be asked to perform three separate activites using MarketMaker, to reflect on your experience, and to provide feedback on what you like or dislike about MarketMaker. You should expect to spend 15-20 minutes on each activity.
Activity One
Please Indicate the start time (e.g. 10:35 am)
The long winter finally got to you. You decided to pull up your stakes and relocate to a warmer location, Georgia. Friends and family are important to you, but so is being able to locate fresh, locally-grown food. Make a list of the six most important foods to you and your family and use the Georgia MarketMaker website to locate at least one source of as many of them as possible. While you're at it, map the places where you can find them.
List the Six items here.
Please indicate the finish time (e.g. 10:45 am)
Please indicate the ease of use of MarketMaker in performing this activity.
moderately easy
moderately difficult
could not complete the activity
What specific difficulties did you encounter? Please describe.
What specific aspects of MarketMaker could we improve to enhance your ability to effectively and efficiently perform this activity?
Activity Two
Please Indicate the start time (e.g. 10:35 am)
Your Aunt Martha and Uncle Henry live on a farm near Shelbyville, Indiana. Their daughter, Olga, has spent the last two years at Indiana University, where she was working on a dual major in medieval history and Soviet philosophy. Uncle Henry recently lost his job at the local plant that supplied hood ornaments to Buick. Aunt Martha is holding everything together with her job at the local QuickMart.

Olga is planning to put her studies on hold, return to the farm, and help her parents on the farm. She would like to help her parents convert their farm to organic production and is looking for a market for high-end organic vegetables.

Help her locate restaurants, farmers markets, and small retail grocers in affluent areas of Indianopolis (Marion County). Create lists and map them out.
Please indicate the ease of use of MarketMaker in performing this activity.
moderately easy
moderately difficult
could not complete the activity
What specific difficulties did you encounter? Please describe.
What specific aspects of MarketMaker could we improve to enhance your ability to effectively and efficiently perform this activity?
Based upon the MarketMaker features you used for this activity, what potential uses do you see for these features?
Activity Three
It's been three years since Olga left college and she has been very successful with her business. She enjoys business so much that she is considering returning to college to pursue an MBA. But, she'd like to first pay off existing student loans and put away some cash. The farm is now USDA Organic certified.

Olga grew fond of her morning coffee and croissant while at the much so, that she figured out how to make them herself while back on the farm. Friends and family think she ought to consider making them and selling them alongside her organic vegetables. She thinks this might be the key to her getting back to her neglected studies.

Using the Indiana and Ohio MarketMaker sites, help Olga find target markets for her delicious fresh croissants. Now, help her find potential target markets in Colorado.

Please Indicate the start time (e.g. 10:35 am)
Briefly describe your search strategy. What MarketMaker tools did you use?
Please indicate the ease of use of MarketMaker in performing this activity.
moderately easy
moderately difficult
could not complete the activity
What specific aspects of MarketMaker could we improve to enhance your ability to effectively and efficiently perform this activity?
Based upon the MarketMaker features you used for this activity, what potential uses do you see for these features?
Please indicate the finish time (e.g. 10:45 am)
Activity Four
Olga’s croissants were a hit! She made a tidy sum, allowing her to return to complete her studies. She turned over the operation to Aunt Martha, placing her on her first post-MBA job where she has parlayed her farm-based business experience into a job as purchasing agent for a prestigious exclusive private college’s food service. These spoiled rich kids are used to eating good, very good (some only eat things like grass-fed beef and organic bok choy).

Her job is in Boulder, Colorado. Help her find multiple sources of grass-fed beef, bok choy, and other interesting food that you think might appeal to these sophisticated palates. Find something not currently grown in Colorado that might appeal to them.

Please Indicate the start time (e.g. 10:35 am)
List the items you searched for and indicate if you found them or not.
Please indicate the ease of use of MarketMaker in performing this activity.
moderately easy
moderately difficult
could not complete the activity
What specific aspects of MarketMaker could we improve to enhance your ability to effectively and efficiently perform this activity?
Based upon the MarketMaker features you used for this activity, what potential uses do you see for these features?
Please indicate the finish time (e.g. 10:45 am)
Feel free to comment on any additional features or functions that you would like to see integrated into future versions of MarketMaker.
May we contact you via e-mail or telephone regarding your experience using MarketMaker in the future?
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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