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I invite you to participate in a survey I am conducting on consumer bias and the news media as part of a research paper I am doing for my Masters Level Research Methods class at Amberton University. Your responses are vital to my research project and will only take about 3 minutes of your time to answer 10 total questions. Participation is voluntary and your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential.

Thank you in advance for your time and support with this, and please feel free to forward this survey on to anyone else you think might be interested in participating. I am attempting to get 100 completed surveys from Americans who are 18 years or older.

Please start with the survey by clicking on the Continue button below.

Lastly if you are interested in seeing the results of the survey or have any questions about this survey please contact me via email me at [email protected] and I will answer your questions or forward you the findings once the survey and analysis has been completed.

Very Respectfully,

Curt Kolvet
Student, Department of Human Relations and Business
Amberton University

* What is your age?
65 & Older
* What is the highest level of education you've completed?
No High School Diploma
GED/High School
Some College/Associates Degree
Bachelors Degree
Masters Degree or Higher
* How would you best describe your normal daily news consumption?
Mostly From 1 News Source
2-4 Different News Sources
4-7 Different News Sources
8 or More Different News Sources
* Do you believe that news media outlets (regardless of format, i.e. internet, TV, newspaper) report news with a preconceived bias or viewpoint?
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly Disagree
* How do you best describe yourself when it comes to social, political, religious, current event issues: as someone with...?
Strong Personal Convictions
Some Personal Convictions
Mostly Neutral about issues
No Personal Convictions
* Do you disproportionately view news media sources that most align with your own preconceived viewpoints/bias on issues?
* Do you believe that most people disproportionately view news media sources that most align with their own preconceived viewpoints/bias on issues?
Most of the time do you intentionally avoid consuming news media from sources that you believe has a bias that is counter to your own?
* In ONE word how would you describe today's news media?
* In your own words tell what affects does bias in the media have on your consumption of the news?