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1. What information about a prospect do you manually look-up before making a first contact or while on the phone during the initial inbound call?
2. What are the top sources you find leads on by vertical?
3. Which of the following pieces of information if available in an easy format, on-demand would save you time and effort from having to search and find?
Very Helpful Helpful Neutral Not really important
Contact name, email, phone of Office Manager
Number of visits to our website
Pages visited on our website
Number of views on emails
Number of call-to-action clicks on email
Has a domain name
Domain name purchase date
Domain name renewal date
Domain name registrar
Very Helpful Helpful Neutral Not really important
NS record
Has a website
Website URL
Website last modified date
Has sitemaps protocol
Has Email accounts
Number of email accounts
MX record
Search Engine Ranking using City + Vertical (ie. Beverly Hills Dentist) keywords on:
Has local search business registrations
Has PPC advertising using City + Vertical (ie. Beverly Hills Dentist) keywords on:
Which available products make sense to sell to the prospect?
Which available products make sense to sell to existing customers?
Any other data you would like to have?
4. If you could vote to add other keywords to monitor search engine rankings and PPC by prospect (ie. vertical + companyname OR lastname + vertical) would you want that? How many keyword combinations would you need? What are other examples of keyword phases that could be useful to track by vertical or specialty?
5. If you could track keyword analysis automatically and easily by prospect overtime would this help you become the trusted and informed advisor to be an educated-base sales person? Say pick 3 keyword phrases regarding the prospect so over the 30 to 60 day sales cycle you become informed and can educate them?
6. If you could validate the accuracy of business listing data using the free website, would you enter in the Company Name and Zip Code, wait 30 seconds, and screen shot the results into a PDF to share with the doctor to educate them into buying our Business Listing service?
If this was automated into a button click with a PDF attachment popup into email, would you use it to help sell?
7. Armed with the above business intelligence on a prospect, presented in on-demand, instant dashboard view, how much time would you save in a day? How much is that time worth to you? To the company?
How often do you conduct surveys?