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Questions marked with an * are required
* Can you commit to coming to practices on time?
What do you mean "on time"?
I can try
What is your preferred dance format?
A circle
A line
I like them both
On a weekly basis, how much time would you like to dedicate to learning new moves?
Less than 25%
More than 75%
On a weekly basis, how much time would you like to dedicate to reviewing/practicing "old" moves?
Less than 25%
More than 75%
Do you think we should add new people to the group?
Yes, followers
Yes, leaders
I like it the way it is
What should be the process for adding new people?
Let the group decide
Let the leader decide
Are you willing to call?
Sure, bring it on!
Neah, not my cup of tea
I can try
Would you teach new moves?
Yes, i'm a natural teacher
Nope, i trust others
I might
Do you think we should add a beginner practice on another day? Would you teach?
Yes, lets do it!
We should, but i won't teach
I don't think so
Would you like promote our work by performing?
Yes, i want to be a star!
No, i'm too shy.
I am indifferent