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The questions below are related to the reward (internal&external) within your job.
Strongly Disagree Moderate Disagree Slightly Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Slightly Agree Moderately Agree Strong Agree
The current salary structure of the firm fulfills my expectations
The compensation related to my responsibilities fulfills my expectations
I receive the salary related to my duties and performances
The periodical increase in salary is reasonable
I feel encouraged in my work by my organization
My organization always welcomes my new ideas
Session 2

The next questions relate to how you are motivate at work. Please indicate how agree you are about the following feelings
Strongly Disagree Moderately Disagree Slightly Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Slightly Agree Moderately Agree Strongly Agree
My job is highly motivating me
When i do my job wrongly, I feel guilty and have low self-esteem
I'm proud of giving all my energies in my work
I feel disappointed when my work is not as qualitative as usual
Work atmosphere gets me out of my bed everyday
I have a feeling of achievement when looking back at my day's work
I always try to work in an efficient way
Which of the following points motivate you the most?
Please rank (1,2,3,4,5)
Salary increase
Motivation talks
Sections 3

The following questions are about your job satisfaction:

Strongly Disagree Moderate Disagree Slightly Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Slightly Agree Moderately Agree Strong Agree
I'm happy with my job
I have many opportunities to get promoted in my job
I'm satisfied with my employee benefits
I'm proud of working in my company
Please answer the following questions related to work performance:

On a scale from 0 to 10 where 0 is the worst job performance anyone could have at your job and 10 is the performance of a top worker
How would you rate the usual performance of most workers in a job similar to yours?
How would you rate your usual job performance over the past year or two?

How would you compare your job performance with the performance of most other workers who have a similar type of job?

You were a lot better than other workers
You were somewhat better than other workers
You were a little better than other workers
You were about average
You were a little worse than other workers
You were somewhat worse than other workers
You were a lot worse than other workers
Please fill your personal information
* Age
How satisfied are you with our survey?
Extremely Unsatisfied
Extremely Satisfied
Do you have any comments/suggestions of our survey?