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Questions marked with a * are required Exit Survey
Rank the following activities you would like to do if you get some time off in XL in order of preference (Assume all options are available)
Drag your choices here to rank them
    Rank the languages you enjoy listening most?
    * What do you think is the optimal turnout for a Bodhi tree performance?
    * What do you prefer regarding attendance of a Bodhi tree performance?
    Lower Turnout
    Doesn't affect
    How would you rate on a scale of 1-5, the original composed content of the original Bodhi tree (eg. XL ki kudiya, GMD etc)?

    (5 being the highest rating)
    1 2 3 4 5
    * What is one thing that you think current Bodhi Tree can do better in?How often do you conduct surveys?
    Original Content
    Instrumental Skills
    Vocal Skills
    Sounds and Lights
    * Do you prefer a musical concert in
    Open air
    During events like Valhalla, musical performance is usually the last event. What affect does this have on your enjoyment of the performance?
    No affect Minor Affect Neutral Moderate affect Major affect