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MRSR Have your say survey2

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You are invited to participate in our survey for the Moorings Management Position Paper.

Now that you have read the position paper about the proposed mooring regulations, please take a few minutes to let us know what you think about them (if you haven't yet read the position paper click here).

Please note your responses will be anonymous and confidential in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles set out by the Australian Market & Social Research Society and the Privacy legislation.

The survey will take approximately 10 to 15 minutes to complete.

If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact us at 02 9552 8996 or by email at [email protected].

Thank you very much for your time and support.

Please start the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.
* How did you first hear about the mooring regulation review?
Email newsletter
Through a friend or family
Through my boating club
Social media (e.g. Facebook, Twitter)
I read the original Discussion Paper
I completed the first survey earlier in the year
Other (please specify)
* How well-informed do you feel about the proposed changes to the mooring regulations?

Very informed
Somewhat informed
Not very informed
Not at all informed
The proposed regulations have five main objectives.

For each of them, please indicate your level of support.

If you do not have an opinion either way or are unsure, you may say so.

Strongly support Mildly support Neither support nor oppose Mildly oppose Strongly oppose Don’t know
* Provide a single set of mooring regulations to be administered across State waters.
* Establish a ‘classification’ system to clarify the use of moorings in different situations and to make administration easier.
* Consider the introduction of system to allow short-term casual use of vacant moorings including an opt-in system.
* Deliver improved administration.
* Prevent mooring site licences gaining proprietary value.
* The position paper outlines specific details about the proposed regulations. We’d now like to focus on a few of these.


One of the proposals is to prevent moorings gaining proprietary value. This means there will be no transfers of mooring site licences between individuals. Instead licences will be relinquished to the Department of Transport (DoT) and reallocated via a wait list.

How likely would you be to join a wait list to obtain a mooring licence?
Very likely
Quite likely
Not that likely
Not at all likely
Don't know
Please explain the reasons behind your answer
* Whilst it is not a requirement to own a vessel to go on the wait list, DoT has proposed a period of three months to nominate a vessel on the notification of an offer of a mooring licence.

If you were on a waitlist and DoT notified you of an offer of a mooring licence do you think three months is an acceptable time frame in order to nominate a vessel to secure the mooring?
Don't know

The paper also proposes an opt-in short-term casual use system as a solution to maximise the access of vacant moorings and address the many moorings being left vacant for long periods of time. Under this system those vessel owners that choose to opt-in will have access to a range of moorings suitable to their vessel size when they’re not being utilised by the mooring licensee, but will not be permitted to leave or store their vessel on a mooring. A disc system, similar to that used successfully on Rottnest Island, will be used to clearly identify the maximum size that a short-term casual use vessel can access a mooring. Discs will be colour coded to indicate the permitted vessel length on the mooring.
* What do you see as the main advantages, if any, of adopting this opt-in short-term casual use system?
* What do you see as the main disadvantages, if any, of adopting this opt-in short-term casual use system?
* How likely would you be to use this opt-in short-term casual use system?
Very likely
Quite likely
Not that likely
Not at all likely
Don't know
* As the opt-in short-term casual use system and the introduction of rental moorings will be licensed, owned and managed by DoT, the current authorised user system could be discontinued. Which best describes your view on this proposed change?
I think it's a good idea
I think it's a bad idea
I don't think it will make much of a difference
I don't know
Please explain the reasons behind your answer

On the sale or disposal of a licensed vessel, a mooring licensee has the opportunity to substitute a suitable vessel on their mooring licence within a three month period.

Do you think a period of three months is acceptable to nominate a vessel to a mooring?
Don't know
Do you have any additional comments to share about the proposed changes to mooring regulation?
* And finally a few questions about you

What is your gender?

* Which age group do you fall into?

18 to 24 years
25 to 34 years
35 to 49 years
50 to 59 years
60 years or older
I’d prefer not to answer
* What is the postcode of where you live?
* Do you currently own or have shared access to a boat?

* What type of boat is it?

Commercial vessel
* Where do you currently store the boat?
On a mooring
At home
A boat stacking storage facility
* Do you currently have access to a mooring?

Don't know
* Which of the following best describes this access?
As a licensee
As an authorised user