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Hello: You are invited to participate in our Market Systems Development (MSD)Survey. The MSD practitioner network is a new regional initiative for Mercy Corps that seeks to:
1. Build technical expertise around MSD
2. Enable more effective communication, dissemination of information and online training for MSD practitioners in the field from the Regional Team and MERG TSU
3. Provide a forum for improved information-sharing and cross-learning between countries in the region

Kindly take 5 minutes to complete the survey below for us to assess current regional capacities in MSD and general interest in the area to enable us to support you better.
Thank you very much for your time and support.

* Please indicate your name
* Please indicate the program that you are currently part of and your position
* What market system is your program focusing on?
Agriculture market system
Labor market system
Financial services market system
Energy market system
Other (please specify)

Have you ever...:
Yes No
* participated in a market assessment?
* delivered business training?
* provided business monitoring?
* developed business models for partners?
* collected business performance data?
* led on engaging market actors?
* led on facilitating linkages and partnership ?
* In the past 2 years have you participated in any professional MSD training courses?
Yes(please state institution and length of training)
* How useful was this course or courses in your current role?
Very Useful
Somewhat useful
Not useful at all
No opinion
* Which MSD areas do you have challenges with in when implementing activities in your program?
Understanding the rationale behind using MSD approach
Understanding the core principles and tools of MSD programs
Understanding the strategic framework and Market systems donut
Conducting market assessments
Mapping market system functions and actors
Designing programs including identifying interventions
Developing and managing program partnerships
Understanding facilitation approaches for the private sector and principles of facilitation
Facilitating market linkages and networks
Developing Business model for partners
Capacity building for private sector businesses
Measuring results of MSD interventions

* Would you be interested in participating in the country MSD Practitioner network? The network is a learning platform that will allow you to access training and support on key MSD areas of interest and link you with other practitioners in the region.
Which communication platform would you prefer?
Google Drive
Other (please specify)

MSD Practitioners survey