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Hello Team,

As part of HR's current drive to improve its services to all its stakeholders, we would like to invite you to partcipate in our survey. This will show us how we as a unit can improve our services to you as employees of TechMahindra vCustomer.

We would like to request to honestly answer all questions in this survey to yield accurate results. Your answers shall be used only for the purposes of improvement and shall be kept confidentilal from the rest of the deaprtments n the organization.

Thank you for your participation and we look forward to serve you better.

HR Team
How long have you been with the company?
0-6 months
7 to 12 months
more than 1 year
Which account do you belong to?
What is your desigantion with your current team?
Gneerally, How satisfied are you with the HR services?
Very unsatisfied
Ok I guess
Very Satisfied
If you answered "Very unsatosfied" to "Ok I guess" can you list down why you feel this way towards the service?
How would you rate your acount HRSPOC in terms of visibility?
I rarely see that he/she attends to our needs
I see her/him during scheduled meetings
He/she ensures that she is there for any queries coming form the team.
Do you feel that our current account HRSPOCS have the credibility in handling HR queries?
what things do you see that works well with your current account HRSPOC with regards to your team?
What improvements woul dyou like to see with the current HRSPOCS in terms of handling your HR concerns.